Daily Mirror

Emmerdale hits 45... now try our super soap quiz!


- BY AMANDA KILLELEA features@mirror.co.uk

If Kathy did return her plane would probably crash into the village! MALANDRA ON WHETHER SHE WOULD REAPPEAR ON SOAP

Aplane disaster and a helicopter crash, 24 murders, countless raunchy affairs and an indecent number of love triangles. It is fair to say that a lot has changed since Emmerdale first hit our screens this week in October 1972.

Known then as Emmerdale Farm, it started as a rural daytime drama about the gritty lives of the Sugden family in a tiny Yorkshire farming community.

But today it is a TV juggernaut, not only winning the top gong at the British Soap Awards for the past two years but walking off with this year’s BAFTA for Best Continuing Drama.

Now, as the nation’s official favourite soap turns 45, some of its biggest stars have been reunited in The Woolpack and just like the fans, they are shocked at how quickly the time has gone.

Frazer Hines, 73, appeared as local lothario Joe Sugden in the first episode and starred in the show for 22 years.

“I can’t believe it has been 45 years,” he laughs. “We were only contracted for 12 episodes originally.

“I never imagined it would still be going – I wish I had shares in it!”

Meanwhile, Malandra Burrows, 51, was 18 when she was cast straight out of drama school as Kathy Bates. She was one of the soap’s most popular characters for 16 years before leaving in 2001. “It makes me feel younger coming back,” she smiles.

“It has transporte­d me back in time. I was only meant to be in three episodes. I always felt really lucky that I had such a great job.”

The soap now pulls in almost seven million viewers, five nights a week, and has won critical acclaim for its recent Ashley Thomas dementia storyline – plus staggering stunts like last year’s Hotten bypass crash.

Emmerdale has also tackled issues including child sexual abuse, HIV and marital rape, playing out storylines with families including the Sugdens, the Tates and the Dingles.

And of course, it has launched the careers of many household names, including Lisa Riley, Sheree Murphy, Roxanne Pallett and pin-ups like Tim Vincent and Danny Miller. But aged 28 when he joined, Frazer was one of the first heartthrob­s – after becoming known as the “Ram of the Dales” because of Joe’s womanising ways.

He says: “For me, a young Yorkshire lad who liked horses, the outdoor life and women, it was perfect – no acting required, it was the ideal role.

“In those days you couldn’t show people in bed, so Joe used to take his girlfriend­s back to this rug he had in front of the fire in his cottage. “I used to get fan letters off people asking if they could borrow Joe’s rug for the weekend because of the romantic success he had on it. I could’ve sold that rug many times over!” Frazer used to be bombarded with fan mail and for his birthday, casting directors even asked his favourite actress, Jenny Hanley, to perform a cameo as a woman who wanted to buy a sheep. As Kathy, Malandra had one of the most complicate­d on-screen love lives on the soap and earned a reputation as a black widow after two of three

husbands were killed off. She was also at the centre of one the most explosive love triangles, when husband Dave Glover started an affair with her former mother-in-law Kim Tate, played by Claire King.

He then died trying to rescue Kim’s baby – which he believed to be his own – from a fire at Home Farm on Boxing Day in 1996.

“It was amazing to be part of,” says Malandra. “When any actor was being written out he’d always be partnered with Kathy!”

That was just one of the smaller stunts from the 45 years.

Some 18 million viewers sat enthralled in December 1993 when a plane crashed into the village, killing Mark Hughes, Elizabeth Pollard, Archie Brooks and Leonard Kempinski. It was such a big event it even turned up in Brookside – as the plot was covered on the front of the real Liverpool Echo used in one scene.

The following year, Emmerdale upped the ante again. Reg Dawson, played by Niven Boyd, kidnapped ex-wife Viv Windsor, played by Deena Payne, and held her hostage in the Home Farm siege.

Since then there’s been the 2000 bus crash and barn fire and the 2003 New Year’s Eve killer storm. The iconic Woolpack was hit by lightning in the storm – which came on the 10th anniversar­y of the plane crash and resulted in Tricia Dingle being declared brain dead and becoming an organ donor.

There then followed 2006’s Kings River explosion, the 2011 village fire that killed off Viv and Terry Woods and the 2013 Woolpack siege.

In the past two years alone, there was a helicopter crash at Pete Barton and Debbie Dingle’s wedding, which killed three, and the Hotten Bypass crash, in which James Barton died.

But the 1993 plane crash is still Frazer’s pick of the big storylines. He says: “I only wish the soap awards had been around at the time.

“Emmerdale would have cleaned up for that episode. The stunts they did were amazing.”

Frazer was killed off in a car crash in 1995, while Malandra’s alterego is still in Australia. So would she return? “Who knows? It could happen,” she says. “You can never say never. Knowing my luck, Kathy would be flying back from Australia and her plane would crash into the village.”

Malandra was lucky in that her exit was one of the most fun the show has seen – as it featured Wet Wet Wet star Marti Pellow singing to her in the Woolpack. “They told me to cry but I didn’t want to look ugly with mascara running down my face with Marti singing to me,” she says.

But the early days on set were far less glamorous – as the show was originally shot on a real farm.

Frazer says: “If you had a milking scene at 6pm, you knew it would be at 6pm as we had to fit in with the animals and what the farm was doing that day.”

Fortunatel­y, the only cows on Emmerdale in recent years have been the snooty ones like Sadie King... ■

Like Malandra and Frazer, fans can also step into the drama at The Emmerdale Studio Experience. Visit emmerdales­tudioexper­ience.co.uk

 ??  ?? PLANE CRASH Characters killed in 1993 carnage at village HOME FARM SIEGE Ex Reg holds terrified Viv prisoner in 1994 ROAD CARNAGE Major pile-up shocked viewers last year KILLER STORM Iconic Woolpack is hit by lightning in 2003
PLANE CRASH Characters killed in 1993 carnage at village HOME FARM SIEGE Ex Reg holds terrified Viv prisoner in 1994 ROAD CARNAGE Major pile-up shocked viewers last year KILLER STORM Iconic Woolpack is hit by lightning in 2003
 ??  ?? HELI DISASTER Pete and Debbie’s big day goes with a bang
HELI DISASTER Pete and Debbie’s big day goes with a bang
 ??  ?? LOTHARIO Frazer with Sally Knyvette
LOTHARIO Frazer with Sally Knyvette
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? GOOD TO BE BACK Frazer and Malandra at Emmerdale Studios Experience Frazer as Joe Sugden with Frederick Pyne Malandra as Kathy with Ian Sharrock
GOOD TO BE BACK Frazer and Malandra at Emmerdale Studios Experience Frazer as Joe Sugden with Frederick Pyne Malandra as Kathy with Ian Sharrock
 ??  ?? TREAT Hanley
TREAT Hanley
 ??  ?? FUN Mal & Marti
FUN Mal & Marti

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