Daily Mirror

Dealt worst cards, but heroes play on


I did wish too that they hadn’t had to be there

ON Monday evening I took my seat for the spectacula­r Pride Of Britain awards.

It’s an incredible event to which I’m honoured to be invited. Celebritie­s are desperate for tickets, news crews line the red carpet, fans swamp surroundin­g streets trying to glimpse A-list arrivals.

It’s widely regarded as the “must have” ticket of the year, celebratin­g the spirit and bravery of ordinary people from around our country. But as I looked around me I wondered how so many of the guests would far, far rather have never been there at all…

People like members of the Grenfell Tower community who lost at least 80 friends and neighbours earlier this year and whose homes have been destroyed.

People like survivors of the Manchester Arena bomb blast which killed 22. Like British Transport police officer Wayne Marques and Emergency Response officer Charlie Guenigault who fought off the London Bridge terrorists. And Michelle Palmer and Angela Clark whose brother PC Keith Palmer was killed in the attack on Parliament.

People like Sarah Hope whose mother was killed and two-year-old daughter lost a leg when a bus smashed into them. And youngsters like Mo Younis, a smart, witty teenager who sat on my table, but who cries every morning as he undergoes five hours daily preparatio­n for an agonising, incurable skin disorder.

And people like Jake Coates whose young wife Emmy died of cancer in June, but who has dedicated himself to fundraisin­g in her memory.

They’re all people who so often must wish their lives hadn’t been touched by illness, tragedy, inequality or murder. But they were. They were dealt the worst cards life has in its pack. But they played them anyway. And have made good of them. And that is what makes extraordin­ary people – those who have faced suffering and disappoint­ment but rather than curl up and give up, they have battled on and created something positive out of the most negative of experience­s.

We all face times in life when things fall apart and the cards seemed stacked against us. Pride of Britain teaches us that however tempting it may be at that moment to give up, it’s only by playing on that we can win. It truly is inspiratio­nal. Mo Younis was having such a great time on Monday night. His surprise meeting with David Beckham had the audience roaring with laughter. He was hugged by Nicole Scherzinge­r and had dozens of A-listers follow him on Instagram. And yet… just a few hours later he’d be crying again, getting the bandages that cover his skin removed and replaced by his mother Shafia.

That’s real courage. The day to day grind of carrying on despite the awfulness of a lifetime condition.

It was wonderful meeting Mo. He made me cry laughing. I loved meeting the Grenfell firefighte­rs and chatting to brave Wayne Marques too.

But goodness I did wish that they hadn’t had to be there, and they hadn’t had to experience­d the things they did this year.

But they did. And they were there, proud and still smiling. The true Pride of Britain.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? How terrifying was that monster with the huge mouth demolishin­g vulnerable young creatures on telly at the weekend? And the Giant Trevally was pretty scary too…
How terrifying was that monster with the huge mouth demolishin­g vulnerable young creatures on telly at the weekend? And the Giant Trevally was pretty scary too…
 ??  ?? SO BRAVE Mo with Carole Vorderman
SO BRAVE Mo with Carole Vorderman

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