Daily Mirror

for men who are trying for a baby


There are many steps that men can take to enhance their health, lifestyle and relationsh­ip to increase their chances of conceiving. Here are few: 1 Lose weight. Couples where the man is overweight or obese and the woman is of normal weight take longer to conceive than couples who have no weight problems. 2 Manage chronic medical conditions. Addressing problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes can improve a man’s chances of getting his partner pregnant. 3 Eat healthily. Eat a variety of foods, including plenty of fruit and veg, which are rich sources of antioxidan­ts that may help to produce good sperm. 4 Exercise regularly. Exercise helps reduce stress, makes men feel better about themselves and benefits their long-term health. 5 Stop excessive drinking. Heavy drinking in men can reduce sperm quantity and quality. When a couple is trying to conceive, men should limit alcohol to low or moderate amounts. 6 Stop smoking. Research has shown that male smokers are more likely to have low sperm counts and decreased sperm movement, and they have higher numbers of abnormally-shaped sperm. 7 Boxers. There’s a lot of science to suggest that switching from briefs to boxers improves a couple’s chances of getting pregnant. 8 There’s not much you can do about this but it’s worth knowing – fertility reduces with age. As a man gets older, the volume and quality of his semen falls.

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