Daily Mirror



# David McDonnell’s column on Manchester United’s youth policy was superb (Mirror, November 1).

Last Saturday, they completed 80 years of having an academy graduate in every single match day squad going back to October 1937.

No club comes close to matching that.

It takes a very special young player to break into the first team at Man Utd, and 20 league titles and five European trophies have been won by strictly adhering to this proven youth policy. Eric Thorpe, Salford Gtr Manchester

# I despair at how soft and gullible our justice system is. The idea that a butcher like Michael Adebolajo should receive Legal Aid to sue over his injuries in prison is ridiculous.

As for the news that he is converting other inmates to his extremist views, why on earth isn’t he in isolation?

This should have happened from day one of his conviction. K D Thornhill South East London

# I am writing in response to Stuart Magrath’s letter in which he states that whenever a character on TV texts, he has to pause and go up to the TV to read it (Madeuthink, November 2).

In Hollyoaks, whenever somebody texts, the message appears above the phone so it can be read – although it would be easier if they were at the bottom of the screen. Debbie Richens South East London

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