Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 The tendency is to keep your emotions in check and leave things unspoken. Maybe you lack the right words, because what you have to say is slightly awkward. Not that you should feel too empty or sad. In fact, something you have been dreading could go incredibly well today. Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19 It won’t be all work and no play. The trouble is, friends could easily lead you astray. But you are strong willed and you won’t do anything you don’t want to. Curiously, you had underestim­ated someone’s generosity; a pleasant surprise. This is a brilliant time to try something new and exciting. Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19 It won’t be all work and no play. The trouble is, friends could easily lead you astray. But you are strong willed and you won’t do anything you don’t want to. Curiously, you had underestim­ated someone’s generosity; a pleasant surprise. This is a brilliant time to try something new and exciting. Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20 Reassuring links to the Moon in Pisces should enable you to set your own agenda today. No matter how persuasive others are for you to reveal your plans, you remain evasive. Of course, your absence may give the wrong idea. A decision is about to be made related to your future. Aries March 21–April 20 You may decide to keep your options open and exert your right of choice. By nature, you are not the kind to follow the herd. Chances are, you will get a green light tomorrow. Meanwhile, you must find a way to evade those who are trying to put pressure on you. Taurus April 21–May 21 It’s business as usual. Though this shouldn’t be the soulless or tedious exercise it normally is. You should enjoy a bit of light relief today, but it pays to choose friends with not quite so expensive spending habits. After which, serious money discussion­s will begin in earnest. Gemini May 22–June 20 By rights, you should start this week feeling fairly confident. There are, however, relational issues to be addressed. So don’t become too complacent. In fact, all forms of partnershi­ps are stressed. This could be a time of harsh realities if you ignore someone else’s requests. Cancer June 21–July 22 The Moon in Pisces tends to make you free-spirited and independen­t minded. Life seems pretty easy as this week begins. Though it’s not as if you can resign from responsibi­lities. Others have a real cheek to say you don’t care. The unfairness may continue for a while. Leo July 23–August 22 A lack of communicat­ion may be causing relationsh­ip problems. Maybe you and somebody are not perfectly matched? With Mercury about to link up with Saturn, watch what you say. Strange to relate, you haven’t run out of luck. That’s one thing you are guaranteed of today. Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22 This should be a time of positive responses. The only problem that could arise is if you are not open-minded enough. Either way, others are inclined to roll their eyes today. You are not that out of touch. In fact, your actions may go much further than is necessary. Libra Sept 23–Oct 23 You may wish you could just pick up and go today, but work is the priority. Working hard and going that extra mile will pay off eventually. Don’t be dishearten­ed. One meeting is far from pointless today. It’s been a nightmare trying to get some to speak. Finally they are opening up. Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22 This is one time when you can mix business and pleasure. Not that you should expect anything of real significan­ce to happen today. However, there is no doubt that negotiatio­ns are about to come an end. You can afford to be slightly complacent. Life is good. Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21 You are a mystery, and your plans are murky. This is another one of those days when the tendency is to drift aimlessly. At home, it’s as if you have temporary residence, even if you own the place. Little does anyone know that your next decision could bring the house down.

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