Daily Mirror

Becky: I’m a Celeb will pay for my boob job

- SEE PAGES 10&11

REBEKAH Vardy admitted to campmates that she will spend some of her jungle fee on a boob job.

In a cosy chat with Georgia Toffolo, she looked at her breasts and said: “I’m getting them redone in January. Amazing.”

Laughing about her having “a new rack for 2018” Toff said: “What a treat. You could get a new nunny whilst you’re at it – they’re all the rage.”

But Rebekah insisted: “I think my nunny is OK, even though I’ve had four kids.”

Rebekah, 35, decided on a second boob job after having fourth child Finley last January.

She said then she wanted footballer hubby Jamie to have a vasectomy, adding: “This will be our last baby.” Rebekah and Hollyoaks star Jamie Lomas breezed yesterday’s Bushtucker trial The Hole, winning all 11 meals on offer.

They had to stay in each of three hollows – with cockroache­s, crickets and mealworms in the first, pictured above.

When the second hole turned out to have rats, Jamie moaned: “I hate rats, they’re my biggest phobia.”

As they crawled all over them, Rebekah calmly said: “I’ve dealt with worse rats than these in my life.”

The pair stayed in the final hole, with crocodiles, for four minutes. Jamie crowed: “We’re mega, aren’t we?” But still cringing about the rats, he said: “They are up my pants, up my bum. I don’t like


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SILICON VALLEY Rebekah Vardy plans to have boob job No2 TERROR
Jamie SILICON VALLEY Rebekah Vardy plans to have boob job No2 TERROR

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