Daily Mirror

Vlad’s vile shot

- russell.myers@ mirror.co.uk VOICE OF THE MIRROR: PAGE 8

to harm the EU, and to convince Scotland to vote to leave the UK in the 2014 poll.

On a global scale, it is believed social media “bots” – automated accounts – were used to interfere with the US election, to get Donald Trump voted in as President, and to back Catalans in their breakaway from Spain.

Mr Phillips, one of the most experience­d cyber-security consultant­s, said: “Social media is a huge issue for Government.

“Whether it is misinforma­tion by other government states or individual­s, the power has moved from the Government into the hands of individual­s who may wish to cause us harm.” He went on: “The emergence of ‘fake news’ is happening every day. It spreads fear and distrust through lies and misinforma­tion.

“Military chiefs have long prepared for this, but we are battling an ever-increasing threat with new methods evolving every day.

“Now, we’re seeing every aspect of our lives being affected. One thing is for certain, nothing is off limits.” Measles was nearly eliminated in Britain during the 1990s, but bad publicity meant MMR vaccinatio­n rates subsequent­ly fell to below 85% in 2005.

Health chiefs are worried huge strides made with the introducti­on of informatio­n programmes in schools and communitie­s could be undone because of external forces, such as the Russian cyber armies, pushing false agendas.

A public health investigat­ion is also under way to determine whether unvaccinat­ed children had picked up the virus when visiting mainland Europe, where there had been recent outbreaks, and were spreading it in schools and nurseries.

Earlier this month, Public Health England issued emergency advice following the outbreaks of measles in Liverpool and Leeds.

Dr Mary Ramsay, its head of immunisati­on, said: “All of the cases we’re seeing are in children and young adults who haven’t received the MMR vaccine.

“This serves as an important reminder for parents to take up the offer of the MMR vaccinatio­n for their children when offered at one year of age and as a pre-school booster at three years and four months of age. If children and young adults have missed these vaccinatio­ns in the past, it’s important to take up the vaccine now from GPs, particular­ly in light of the recent cases in Liverpool and Leeds.”

A PHE spokesman urged parents to follow official advice. He said: “When we get vaccinated, or take our children for their vaccinatio­ns, we protect ourselves and our loved ones.

“We have an exceptiona­l and trusted vaccinatio­n programme offered through the NHS for people at every stage of life.

“Vaccines have to be thoroughly tested for safety before they’re made routinely available.

“If you are unsure if you are up to date with all immunisati­ons, speak to your GP or use other trusted sources like the NHS

Choices website.”

PUTIN’S cyber-terrorists spreading antivaccin­e propaganda to create distrust and put us at risk of diseases is dangerous.

It’s a small jump for Russia to destabilis­e our nation and engineer a damaging Brexit after helping to install a stooge in the White House.

 ??  ?? ONLINE ARMY Putin with Gerasimov
ONLINE ARMY Putin with Gerasimov

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