Daily Mirror



Fiona, I remember well how you started the rise of awareness about Alzheimer’s. It encouraged other high-profile people to speak out about this cruel disease and its effects, not just on the person but their family members too.

I’ve had to watch the degenerati­on of my mum who has disappeare­d in front of my eyes. I could go on but I am one of many carers whose tales you know by heart!

These pharmaceut­ical companies have been holding people with terminal illnesses to ransom for too many years by putting ridiculous­ly high prices on the sale of medicines. Their only purpose is for pure unadultera­ted PROFIT and be damned the person with the illness!

Surely we, the public, with help from people such as yourself with a high-profile position, must be able to get together and get these companies to change and to persuade the Government to look into what they are doing and justify the decisions and charges?

Never say never. Never accept no for an answer. But it takes many voices to start a big wave... Can we turn it into a tsunami? Linda Beckmann, via email

Fiona, please don’t tar all Christians (and people of other religions) with the same brush as Tim Farron.

Most of us are certainly NOT bigots with a narrow view of the world. The majority of us welcome everyone in, no matter what their sexual preference, colour, creed etc. Linda Rose, via email

Fiona, having previously been a fan of yours I am saddened to see you make sweeping generalisa­tions (indeed condemnati­ons) of millions (indeed billions) of Christians who do not share the opinion of Tim Farron and who are loving and tolerant people.

Sending my best wishes (despite disagreein­g with you). Alice, via email

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