Daily Mirror

Don’t let Tessa’s fight be in vain


I congratula­te Baroness Tessa Jowell on her emotional and dignified speech to the House of Lords about her terminal brain cancer (Mirror, Jan 26).

Let’s hope her call for quicker diagnoses and more funding for new forms of treatment against this insidious disease on the NHS doesn’t fall on deaf ears.

It is a shameful indictment of this Tory government’s handling of our wonderful health service that Britain has the worst cancer survival rates in western Europe.

So Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt, take note of what Ms Jowell has said and do something to help ease the suffering of the millions battling against cancer in Britain.

Meantime, we all need to fight to save our wonderful NHS from the Tory cuts. Helen Smith Salford, Gtr Manchester

# I know only too well from family experience how devastatin­g Tessa Jowell’s condition is. Brain tumour research only receives a small portion of total cancer research funds, so I hope she will highlight this. I’d share with readers who care about the NHS the words of Aneurin Bevan: “No society can call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.” G Crawford Medway, Kent

# Baroness Tessa Jowell gave parliament­arians, plus Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May, food for thought with her speech to the House of Lords.

We watched her moving address while rememberin­g past family and friends who have died from cancer, plus those still living with it. Let’s all make life worth living for those who have had a cancer diagnosis. Jan and Pete Hencher-Serafin Studley, Warks

# It was a very moving speech by a courageous lady. However, I have to ask why does it take a high-profile person to suffer this dreadful disease before folk start to sit up and listen? The accolades Baroness Tessa Jowell received were phenomenal and very worthy, but thousands of people suffer this on a daily basis. Keith Franklin, Slough, Berks

# Mrs May is forever talking about our “precious” NHS, but surely if something is so precious you would look after it.

She should stop taking the public for fools. This is a rich country with enough money to provide a properly funded service. The problem is, it’s in the hands of the greedy and selfish Tories who don’t care if people suffer as long as it’s not their own. Bob Smith, Brighton

# I wish Tessa Jowell well following her revelation­s that she has brain cancer. I can’t imagine the fear and pain of having a terminal diagnosis. I salute her and everyone who battles cancer. Colin Davies, Liverpool

# I know the NHS is in dire straits, but my husband received wonderful service from 111, the paramedics and the duty doctor at A&E who sorted out his problem on a busy weekend. Thank you to all at Torbay Hospital. Pat Bulloch, Torquay, Devon

# I mean no disrespect to Ant and Dec, but for them to win the Best Presenter gong at the NTAs for the 17th successive year devalues the award.

Maybe the time has come to clear out the short-sighted sycophants currently responsibl­e for the selection process. Harry Wright Letchworth Garden City, Herts

# I completely agree with the readers who wrote in about drivers still using their phones while driving (Madeuthink, Jan 25), but how is the law able to be enforced?

You’d need copious amounts of police around at all times to catch them. Debbie Richens, South East London

# Theresa May hung on every word uttered by Donald Trump at their meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos. It would be funny if it wasn’t so frightenin­g. M Simpson, via email

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