Daily Mirror



Diving accusation­s

“Nobody wants to be labelled a cheat. It’s an opinion and everyone has a different opinion. I get into the box a lot and round the box, and I’m an attacking player and I get a lot of fouls. That’s the beauty of football, it’s all about opinions. But the main one that matters to me is my family’s and my coaches’.

“I’m confident in what I believe, what they believe and what the manager sees. There are some that look bad. It’s different when you are in the action. The one at Crystal Palace, that’s the one I saw a lot of reaction to. I was running through and, at the time, all that was going through my head was that I didn’t want to step on the keeper.

“But when you watch it back and people start saying stuff, it can look a lot different. That’s why I think it’s important – not just about diving, about other stuff too – not to get too involved in it and just focus on what you are doing.

“As long as your main focus is football, then that’s all you need to think about.”

Tottenham’s FA Cup run and trying to win a trophy

“We believe in ourselves, every game we go into we feel like we should win. It’s not always the case, but we’ve got to have that mentality to win stuff.

“We have to believe we can win every game and it will be a tough one against Swansea. It’s a difficult place to go and they showed us that when we played them in the league.

“But we’ve got to believe we can win, and then, if we win and go through, we’ve got to believe we can beat the next team. We all want to win stuff and to achieve stuff as a team. There is no point coming so close, like we have the last two years – second almost feels as bad as finishing bottom. You want to win stuff, so I think we need to.”

Growing up in public

“My life has become normal to me now. I am 21 and you do some dumb things sometimes, and it’s all part of learning and improving, and turning into a good person. That’s what I want to achieve.

“I’m always looking to learn, looking to improve, and to be the best player and the best person I can be.”

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