Daily Mirror

I will eliminate anti-Semitism wherever it is

Corbyn pledge ahead of protest

- BY BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor ben.glaze@mirror.co.uk

JEREMY Corbyn has insisted that he is a “militant opponent of anti-Semitism” and an ally in the fight to tackle it.

The Labour leader said yesterday: “I will not tolerate any form of anti-Semitism that exists in or around our party and movement.

“I am committed to eliminatin­g anti-Semitism wherever it exists.”

It came as about 300 protesters gathered outside Parliament last night. Jewish Leadership Council chairman Jonathan Goldstein said: “We are all here today because we have had enough of repeatedly witnessing and condemning instances of anti-Semitism in and around the Labour Party.”

A group of pro-Corbyn Jewish protesters held placards declaring “Jews for Jez” and “we support anti-racist” Corbyn. Mr Corbyn earlier wrote to the Council, saying: “I recognise that antiSemiti­sm has surfaced within the Labour Party, and has too often been dismissed as simply a matter of a few bad apples.

“I am sincerely sorry for the pain which has been caused and pledge to… bring this anxiety to an end.”

JEREMY Corbyn’s apology for any antiSemiti­sm in Labour and his desire for urgent meetings with Jewish leaders will hopefully lance a poisonous boil.

Demonstrat­ions against and for the Labour leader outside Parliament last night show the deep divisions he is struggling to heal.

The rooting out of “pockets” of bigotry must be a priority in a movement that is committed to fairness and equality.

The Labour leader is not anti-Semitic. He has devoted his life to fighting prejudice, but he must agree that things have gone too far.

Only zero tolerance of anti-Semitism will be good enough now.

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PROMISE Jeremy Corbyn

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