Daily Mirror

Eddie vows to stamp out stain on Labour I’ll fi g ht the anti-Semites

- BY JASON BEATTIE Head of Politics jason.beattie@mirror.co.uk VOICE OF THE MIRROR: PAGE 6 GAZA VIOLENCE: PAGE 17

EDDIE Izzard today pledges to use his position on Labour’s ruling body to “stamp out the stain of anti-Semitism”.

The comedian says Labour must “make amends” and “repair the damage” with the Jewish community.

He made the vow as Jeremy Corbyn was buffeted by a fresh wave of allegation­s that he failed to do enough to tackle abuse.

He promised to investigat­e allegation­s supporters acting in his name had posted more than 2,000 hateful messages on Facebook groups backing Mr Corbyn.

And a prominent Labour donor said he was quitting the party because of its response to acts of “blatant anti-Semitism”.

Mr Izzard was propelled on to Labour’s National Executive Committee after Momentum’s Christine Shawcroft quit.

She stood down after it emerged she had opposed the suspension of a council candidate accused of denying the Holocaust. Mr Izzard said: “We must stamp out completely the stain of anti-Semitism from a minority of members.” Labour MP Luciana Berger yesterday told of a “torrent of abuse” she had received after quizzing Mr Corbyn. The Liverpool MP said she had been called “Judas” and “an absolute parasite”.

Labour donor Sir David Garrard, who has given £1.5million since 2003, quit over the row, saying he no longer had any “affinity or connection” with the Labour Party.

Mr Corbyn yesterday deleted his personal Facebook page after being linked to people who posted anti-Semitic content.

 ??  ?? ANGER MP Luciana Berger, top, Corbyn and London protest
ANGER MP Luciana Berger, top, Corbyn and London protest
 ??  ?? PLEDGE Eddie Izzard joins NEC
PLEDGE Eddie Izzard joins NEC

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