Daily Mirror

Time to boot out dishonest Boris


KEVIN Maguire is spot on with his article on our Foreign Secretary who deliberate­ly distorts the truth (Mirror, April 9).

By saying Porton Down investigat­ors were “absolutely categorica­l” that Russia was the source of the Salisbury nerve agent – a claim later denied by their experts – he is guilty of misleading the British people.

But when challenged over this by Jeremy Corbyn, he chose to accuse him of “siding with Moscow” and trying to “discredit the UK”.

Meanwhile, young British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is still held in an Iranian jail over alleged spying charges despite Johnson’s bungled efforts at diplomacy – which threatened to result in her sentence being doubled at one point.

Johnson consistent­ly lets the nation down through his ridiculous remarks and his incompeten­ce. He should go as soon as possible. Paul Methven Winscombe, Somerset Just how many more lies and insults does this buffoon have to spout before Theresa May does the right thing and sacks him? A certain amount of tact and diplomacy is required to hold the important position of Foreign Secretary and Boris Johnson seems to have neither. His insistence that Porton Down could prove Russia was behind the nerve agent attack is just the latest example of why he should engage his brain before putting his mouth into gear. Stuart Slinn Chesterfie­ld, Derbys

Boris Johnson’s handling of the chemical poisoning affair is an embarrassm­ent to the Government.

If Theresa May won’t sack him he should do as David Cameron did after losing the 2016 referendum and just disappear. Now there is talk about victims Sergei and Yulia Skripal being invited to a new life in the USA (Mirror, April 9). Let’s hope their safety will be guaranteed there. Stan Rugman, Derby As a member of the Privy Council, Jeremy Corbyn has the right to see the intelligen­ce that has persuaded our allies to take action with us against the Kremlin over the Skripal poisoning. With Corbyn’s admirable record over Blair’s dodgy Iraq dossier, those who are concerned about the truth would be reassured if he believed in Russia’s guilt. I just hope the evidence exists. Brett Grainger, Rugeley, Staffs

This Government’s handling of the nerve agent attack beggars belief. Before proving definitive­ly who carried out the attack, they accused Russia, a country we do business with and rely on for gas, and threw their diplomats out of the country. The Tory buffoons will take us into another cold war or worse. Ian Hay, Berwick-upon-Tweed

Boris Johnson is a disgrace to the esteemed office of Foreign Secretary. His lack of diplomacy and tact defy belief, but May will never get rid of him because she’s scared he’ll launch his own bid for the Tory leadership. G Powell, Leeds Well said, Kevin Maguire. How on Earth can the UK ever be taken seriously when Boris Johnson is our Foreign Secretary? He might know how to spout Latin, but he is dangerous. Keep up the good work, Kevin. Vivienne Bundy, via email

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