Daily Mirror



SIR ALEX FERGUSON led the tributes to Arsene Wenger and described him as one of the greatest managers of all time.

The former Manchester United boss insisted that his ex-rival had done the right thing by announcing his departure now.

Ferguson (with Wenger, above) said: “I have great respect for him and for the job he has done at Arsenal.

“It is great testament to his talent, profession­alism and determinat­ion that he has been able to dedicate 22 years of his life to a job that he loves.

“In an era where football managers sometimes only last one or two seasons, it shows what an achievemen­t it is to serve that length of time at a club the size of Arsenal.

“I am pleased that he has announced he is leaving at this stage of the season, as he can now have the send-off he truly deserves. He is, without doubt, one of the greatest Premier League managers and I am proud to have been a rival, a colleague and a friend to such a great man.”

Another fierce Wenger adversary, Jose Mourinho, said: “If he is happy with the decision he made and looks forward to the next chapter of his career and his life, I am happy for him. If he is sad, I am sad.

“I am sure we as a club will show Mr Wenger the respect that he deserves.”

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp said: “He always developed teams, brought fantastic players in, was a dominating guy in the mid-90s, early 2000s, when he was winning pretty much everything and played wonderful football.

“I admired his work, it was always brilliant. In Germany he was a big, big role model in that job. It will be different without him.”

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