Daily Mirror

Hope this isn’t the last resort


THANKS to writer Derren Litten,

Benidorm’s latest series ended last night amid rumours that it won’t be coming back. Last weekend he posted a tweet thanking everyone for watching over the years and strongly implying that was all, folks.

However, ITV has not confirmed the sun has finally set on its biggest comedy hit. So I wouldn’t go checking your brochures (well, TV listings magazines) for an alternativ­e just yet.

Litten’s script was certainly sending out some mixed messages last night.

One minute he had rep Sam telling barman Mateo, “I don’t cry because something’s over, I smile because it happened”, the next he had Sheron and Billy Dawson enjoying the closing firework display and toasting “Here’s to the next 25 years.”

Twenty-five is perhaps pushing it but, as last night’s finale proved, there could easily be life in the old dog yet.

I particular­ly enjoyed the spark between Jacqueline, who’s been a bit lost ever since Donald departed, and Bobby Ball’s character Ron. Also, new ownership for the Solana could be a great excuse to rejuvenate things.

It’s fair to say the quality of the show has been rather hit and miss lately – too much emphasis on the hotel staff rather than the holidaymak­ers, too many naff cameos.

The bald facts though are these: Benidorm is still funnier than any other ITV comedy and it can regularly pull in more than five million viewers.

Like Kenneth’s denim shorts after he has spent a day doing blow dries in the salon, those numbers are not to be sniffed at.

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Liam and Kenneth
SHORTS Liam and Kenneth
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