Daily Mirror



BBC1, 8.30pm Part of the Hear Her season, celebratin­g 100 years since women were given the right to vote, comes this extraordin­ary documentar­y.

It’s something which can seem almost unfathomab­le now – women, who make up half the population, were simply allowed no say on any of the issues that affected their lives. Their voices were completely ignored and unimportan­t.

After decades of campaignin­g on the issue, when it became clear that it hadn’t led to any real change and realising that asking nicely wasn’t going to get them anywhere, a group of radical women knew they had to step things up with deeds not words.

These suffragett­es, including the Pankhursts and many others, were prepared to risk everything for their cause – imprisonme­nt, injury and even death.

And they weren’t afraid to use extreme methods to achieve their goal, effectivel­y committing acts of terrorism.

Historian Lucy Worsley presents this dramatised documentar­y, using the Suffragett­es’ own words to bring this remarkable period of Britain’s history to life.

 ??  ?? TAKING ACTION The suffragett­es
TAKING ACTION The suffragett­es

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