Daily Mirror

Sinister tale to terrify all


THE FRANKENSTE­IN CHRONICLES ITV, 10.45pm DARK and creepy, this atmospheri­c horror drama stars Sean Bean as an inspector in Georgian G London. And it begins as it means to go on, in utter misery.

Bean, as Inspector John Marlott, is in a rowing boat at night in torrential rain on the Thames. It’s 1827 and presumably p fighting criminals mid-crossing was standard police fare at that time.

But it gets worse. Marlott discovers the corpse of a child that has been stitched up in lots of places and is lying on the bank of the river.

A word of warning – there’s a moment in the first few minutes that might just make you jump a mile out of your skin.

“I’ve seen murder before, sir, but nothing like this,” Marlott tells the pathologis­t.

The doctor then reveals that the corpse is actually the reassemble­d parts of several children.

Marlott is assigned to work within the offices of Bow Street by Sir Robert Peel to investigat­e who is responsibl­e. Is the murder a political move to squash Peel’s Anatomy Act or are the rumours of a more sinister Smithfield monster true?

Yes, this is all very gruesome and it hasn’t even got going yet.

Incorporat­ing elements of detective thriller and horror genre, with Marlott the admirable hero, it’s not for the faint-hearted.

Sean Bean is brilliant as usual, and is supported by a great cast including Anna Maxwell Martin, Charlie Creed-Miles, Ed Stoppard, Elliot Cowan, Stuart Graham, Vanessa Kirby and Kate Dickie.

Beware – it’s a chilling tale that may give you sleepless nights.

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GRUESOME DISCOVERY Inspector John Marlott
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