Daily Mirror

Reality of Brexit is now hitting home

- William Small Nottingham

YOUR article about the March of the Remainers (Mirror, September 4) was very good. Let’s face it, if the electorate had known in 2016 what we now know about Brexit, then there would have been a very different result to the referendum.

We were only told what the Government wanted us to know, which was to their benefit. We were conned.

We now know what the drawbacks are, or could be on leaving. Our selfservin­g politician­s are only in it for their benefit and they have no interest in the people who voted them in. We don’t matter to them.

My advice to any young person is to work hard to get qualificat­ions and then leave the country, because the Tories have made sure that there’s nothing here for them in this country, only rubbish jobs.

Russell Banks, Anfield, Liverpool

It doesn’t surprise me one bit that people are changing their minds about Brexit. People are worried about what it will really mean and now realise that they will

be worse off.

Richard Billings, Enfield Gtr London

This is a significan­t shift in attitudes in Labour stronghold­s. I think there should be a referendum on the final deal. The figures speak for themselves and if there was a vote tomorrow, it would be a different outcome. I think Labour should speak up, make the decision soon and endorse a second referendum. I don’t know why they’re dragging their feet on making a decision.

Fiona Hughes, Scarboroug­h North Yorks

The part I find amusing about all this is the way the vocal Brexiteers are so adamant that the mood of the country hasn’t changed, yet they are aggressive­ly opposed to putting their money where their mouths are with another vote. It’s as if they’re worried they’d lose. Personally, I’m not even that bothered about a second vote.

Joe Horner, Anglesey

This is getting beyond a joke now. When will these remainers finally realise we want to leave? One way or another, we are leaving, whether they like it or not. The moment has passed. The time to make a positive case to remain has long gone. It doesn’t matter what these polls show, the referendum was lost. Not enough people who wanted to remain voted when they had the chance. These figures were taken from a poll of just 15,000 people. It does make for interestin­g reading though. I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn will use the Labour party conference at the end of September to announce that they will finally back a second referendum? Surely these figures will give them the nudge they need to say once and for all what they propose?

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