Daily Mirror

No Credit to Tories or benefits for us


■ THE Tories just never learn. Have they forgotten how grossly unfair the poll tax was which forced Thatcher out of Downing Street? There is now more child poverty than there was under Thatcher and Major but, undeterred, they still roll out UC.

Life continues to be significan­tly harsher for low-income families but they just don’t care. No matter how many hours some parents work they just can’t put food on the table after rent, heating and other essentials. I urge everyone in the country to get behind the Mirror’s campaign.

Eric Thorpe, Salford, Gtr Manchester

■ Gordon Brown is among millions who want the rollout of Universal Credit to be stopped. It has to be. I work in the housing sector in a deprived area of London and know full well the disaster befalling us. I attended the first meetings on UC in June 2010, and knew then it would never work.

Guess what? It doesn’t.

I think reform should come from identifyin­g a way to accurately assess entitlemen­t to a range of benefits – let’s think about the billions in means-tested benefits that goes unclaimed, not to mention disability and carers’ benefits, which make this a national scandal.

Gary Martin, East London

■ It’s 182 years since Dickens’ first novel, The Pickwick Papers, was published and it appears we are no further forward with regards to equality in this country.

The rich are as greedy as ever, while the poor have essential in-work top-ups taken off them via the brutal and vindictive Universal Credit. The Government takes money from the poorest but when it comes to its City chums and obscene bonuses, it’s fill your boots time. Had Dickens been writing novels today, what might he think of Britain in 2018?

Stephen Dixon, Redcar, North Yorks

■ I greatly admire your campaign to end the Universal Credit injustice. Alas, the Tory Party would rather look after the rich – even though they can look after themselves – than look out for the poor and needy.

Andy Coleby, Mortimer, Berks

■ What a disgrace this country is. Theresa May and her lapdogs think the people are stupid. Everybody should sign up to your Stop the Universal Credit Cruelty petition. Let’s get these country-wrecking Tories out. Michael Maher, Ashton-under-Lyne Gtr Manchester

■ I hate to say it, but if Universal Credit is to be Theresa May’s poll tax, can we keep it for just a little bit longer? Just until we are certain the damage to the Tories is fatal.

Joe Horner, Anglesey

■ Universal Credit should be scrapped. I believe that Labour’s plan was to pause its rollout and fix it, but I don’t believe it is something that can ever be fixed. Alison Fisher, Sheffield

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