Daily Mirror

You’re never too old to get it!

Getting – and staying in shape isn’t just for the young, here’s how to do it at any age...

- By Matthew Barbou

PEOPLE’S lack of exercise now places a bigger burden on the economy than smoking.

That was the warning from chie medical officer for England Dam Sally Davies earlier this year aft research showed only one in thre adults does the recommende­d fiv 30-minute sessions of activity a wee

Yet exercise through life can sta off illnesses associated with agein from diabetes to heart disease a osteoporos­is, says Carlton Coo professor of sport and exercise scien at Leeds Metropolit­an University.

But the trouble is, the older we the more likely we are to give exer up. “Instead we should adapt to our changing physiology as we a says Prof Cooke. “At 60, you can’t p it like you did at 20.”

Here’s your guide to keeping fit at age with Prof Cooke, and fitness trai expert and author Andy Wadswort

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