Daily Mirror

New talks needed to end May mess


■ THERESA May is deluded if she expects MPs to vote for a nonexisten­t future deal while tying us to the EU for years without any say over the rules.

It would be better to postpone our leaving in March until we have negotiated a sensible deal, or until we see sense and decide to stay in.

Falling off the cliff edge with no deal is unacceptab­le to everyone but the rabid right wing Tory and UKIP dogmatists.

The only good thing to come out of this useless deal is the resignatio­n of the callous Esther McVey. Her indifferen­ce to the plight of those on Universal Credit and other benefits will not be missed.

Brett Grainger, Rugeley, Staffs

■ Why do politician­s like Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon keep saying a deal must give us access to the single market and the customs union when they must know that the EU will never agree to that without free movement?

The Labour Party is not much better. It’s plain to see that, since the Remainers lost the referendum, there has been a campaign of fear by them which I think would tip the balance if another referendum happens. I thought this country had backbone but it seems the EU makes the rules.

R Melling Ormskirk, Lancs

■ The British people are being fed a Theresa May mess over Brexit which is not palat- able to anyone, Leave or Remain. The only way to clear it up is to give the people all the facts of the deal and have a People’s Vote.

The one good thing to come out of the mess is appalling Esther McVey resigning as Works and Pensions Secretary.

Mick Rutland, Stockton-on-Tees

■ Theresa May has succumbed to an EU coup, which would see them taking control of our laws with no input from us. It is tantamount to annexation of the UK by the French and Germans.

Angela Merkel tells us there is no more bargaining, while weak PM May thinks she is still negotiatin­g. No one voted for any particular deal, only to leave the EU.

The EU needs a deal as much as we do, so to give up totally on leaving in March would be an act of fraud in our democracy. Stuart Wilkie, Kings Lynn, Norfolk

■ Something rarely mentioned in the endless Brexit debate is that around 13 million eligible people did not vote in the referendum.

Not voting is frequently due to apathy or uncertaint­y and rarely does it indicate a passionate dissatisfa­ction with the status quo.

I think some of those who didn’t vote would now wish to do so if the opportunit­y was to arise.

How amusing to hear the weak arguments aimed at preventing this at all costs.

We all love our democracy on the condition it only reflects our particular view. Clive Osman, Nuneaton, Warks ■ Everyone is blaming Theresa May for the mess we are in.

Yet the truth is our Parliament has played into the EU’s hands for no other reason than party political ones.

They have allowed the EU, particular­ly the French and Germans, to treat us with contempt. P Mack, Teesside

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