Daily Mirror

Royal respect, please


■ I enjoy both Kevin Maguire and Brian Reade’s columns and agree with most of what they say, but I do wish they were less anti-monarchy. Most royals really are good value for money, especially when you compare them with our politician­s, who are mostly out to increase their own interests, regardless of the good of the country and their constituen­ts.

They have both taken a pop at Prince Charles recently, but he can’t be held responsibl­e for his mother’s longevity, and if all he’d done was to start The Prince’s Trust, he would be worth his weight in gold for the young people he has helped over the years.

They should think about the possible candidates for president should we have the misfortune to become a republic one day. Hardly inspiring!

Marian Hernes, North Cheam, Gtr London

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