Daily Mirror

Pole bid sled to cost £100k

First date wedding pair vow marriage will last

- BY LOUIE SMITH louie.smith@mirror.co.uk @smith_louie

A SLEDGE used in Ernest Shackleton’s Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole is expected to fetch up to £100,000 at auction.

The 11ft-long wood sled carried supplies during the heroic 1907-09 bid which fell just 112 miles short.

Team-member Eric Marshall gave it to his old school, Monkton Combe School, in Somerset, which is now selling it.

The February 6 auction is at Bonhams in London.

Bonhams said: “Few of the sledges have survived.” Couple meet for first time at airport in wedding gear.. then jet off to Vegas to tie the knot Our story on Thursday THE couple who wed on their first date have declared the marriage will last because it is all about “love, not lust”.

Sarah Elliott, 34, met Paul Edwards, 36, for the first time on Christmas Eve at Gatwick Airport and they married in Las Vegas later the same day.

Sarah said: “We are learning to be in love. Rather than that silly head-over-heels thing that is all about lust. This is more about actual love for who someone is.”

Nanny Sarah, who comes from New Zealand, said Paul had won over her “traditiona­l and conservati­ve” parents in a phone call home.

Sarah said: “They were concerned. They wanted to talk to him and spoke to him by phone. It says a lot about him that after half an hour he had won them over.”

Dad-of-two Paul, from Chichester, West Sussex and Sarah, who lives with her ex-boyfriend in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, were matched by the Bumble dating app on December 15.

They spoke by phone for the first time on December 22 and within 24 hours had decided to marry. They caught the plane at Gatwick in their wedding outfits.

Paul said: “Mystery is the best part. If you look at any relationsh­ip you get into, the first few years are the most exciting time you’ve got.

“So why not start on that and build on it?

“We are always holding hands and hugging and kissing – it’s like I’ve known her all my life.

“Our first kiss was our wedding kiss. There’s not many couples who can say that.” Asked if they loved each other, they said they would “grow to do so”.

Sarah said: “We thought why not start a relationsh­ip from a place of true commitment and loyalty and openness?” They plan to move in together within weeks, after Sarah’s house sale goes through. PAUL EDWARDS GROOM WHOSE WEDDING WAS ON A FIRST DATE

We are always holding hands, hugging and kissing. It’s like I have known her all my life

 ??  ?? HAVE & TO HOLD Sarah meets groom Paul at Gatwick ROMANCE
HAVE & TO HOLD Sarah meets groom Paul at Gatwick ROMANCE

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