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of Slimming

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UK and Ireland groups and save £10/€18.

Visit slimmingwo­rld.co.uk/reach before midnight on Sunday January 13, 2019 and enter voucher code REACH2019 to save £15/€25. Consultant’s name: …………………………....................................... Consultant code: ……… .................. Group code: ……………… Please sign to confirm that the member has joined: ..................................................................................................................... (dates inclusive) Olivia shed more than 5st While her friends were having the time of their lives, Olivia Gibbs was slowly losing her sparkle – until her 5st weight loss gave her a whole new go-getting attitude to life. Here Olivia, 23, an office manager from Macclesfie­ld, Cheshire tells her story:

My friends were so used to me saying no to everything that I’d almost surprised myself by saying yes for once. My friend Amy had suggested a trip to Cape Verde and, instead of making excuses, I’d gone for it! And now here I was – lying on a sun-kissed beach, feeling relaxed and confident in my new bikini. It was so different from my last trip abroad, to Mexico with dad a year before, when I was 21 years old and 41/2st heavier.

I’d lost 7lbs with Slimming World a few months before going to Mexico, but I’d only followed the plan half-heartedly and I still felt far from my best. I even thought that dad must have been ashamed to have me as a daughter – though I knew deep down it wasn’t true. That was the moment I decided I was going to follow the Slimming World plan properly with my friend Luke, and get back to feeling good about myself again.

When I got home my resolve strengthen­ed. This time, I was determined to succeed and threw myself into it. Every Sunday, I’d make enough salad to last me the following week, then I’d take a bowlful into work with a different topping – perhaps tuna in spring water, lean ham or skinless chicken breast. And I didn’t have to miss out on my weekend takeaways either.

I learnt in group which choices were healthier options, then I’d make my own Slimming World noodles or egg fried rice at home for a side. I got into new habits when shopping at the supermarke­t, too. My family and my boyfriend, Sam, really got behind my weight loss plans and supported me along the way. All of them were rooting for me to get back to being happy in my own skin. Mum knew all too well how my weight gain had zapped my confidence and she started coming out for walks with me. As the weeks passed, I even started running and left mum far behind! My brother Matt encouraged me to go for healthier choices at family meals, while dad and my boyfriend Sam came along to the gym with me.

First I got my award for losing a stone, then 2st, then 3st. But that wasn’t all. On the same morning I received my 4st award, I’d gone Olivia before her slimming journey shopping to find a new outfit, spotted a pair of knee-high boots and – unlike the last time I’d tried on a pair – they slipped over my calves and fitted perfectly! I felt great in my new fashionabl­e outfit and knew I looked my age again.

As I got closer to my target, I ran into a bit of a hurdle. Everyone at group had been so supportive and it had been great to have my friend Luke there to spur me on. Then, nine months into my slimming journey, he moved away. I’d lost 4st 3lbs and as I was so close to target, I convinced myself I didn’t need group any more, and stopped going.

Without the new meal ideas from the other members and the members’ website, I got stuck in a food rut and began to get bored.

Then, the odd unplanned snack would sneak in, and I soon realised I was slipping back into my old habits. Careful not to undo everything I’d achieved I re-joined the group and, a few months later, got down to my 10st 6lb target.

Spending time with the other members at group each week kept me focused and gave me confidence – not just in knowing I could maintain a healthy lifestyle, but in other aspects of my life, too.

Now I’ve taken on more responsibi­lity at work and I know that, if I keep working hard, one day I’ll be in line to take over the family business. And far from thinking that dad could ever be ashamed of me, I know how proud that will make him – and my whole family.

I wanted the old

Olivia back and now she’s here, ready to take on the world!

■ Story taken from Slimming

World Magazine, on sale now on the newsstand and in Slimming World groups. To find your nearest group, visit slimmingwo­rld. co.uk or call 0344 897 8000.



 ??  ?? Valid in groups between Saturday, December 29, 2018 and Sunday, January 13, 2019 SPARKLING
Valid in groups between Saturday, December 29, 2018 and Sunday, January 13, 2019 SPARKLING

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