Daily Mirror


What does the new year have in store for your health and happiness? Russell Grant reveals what might keep you fulfilled and moving forward to better things during the next 12 months...


Aries Mar 21-Apr 20

Although you are restless and keen to act on ideas immediatel­y, be patient as the year begins. Timing is of the essence.

If you aren’t happy with life the way it is, you will gain a lot through investigat­ing new possibilit­ies. Keep telling yourself that no dream is impossible provided you are willing to put in the necessary effort.

With internatio­nal Jupiter in your global zone, you will be feeling adventurou­s and travel is a big temptation. If single or with a partner let your adventurou­s spirit roam free all-year long. Varying your routine in the autumn will boost your mental health.

Taurus Apr 21-May 21

Setting new, fresh and exciting goals makes you more optimistic about life. Start making changes to stifling conditions that you’ve got far too used to. Some folk might object but if you stick to your guns from March onwards you will see why the status quo had to go.

The fact is, you know what’s right for you and it doesn’t matter what others might say – self-belief is essential because your way is the right way.

Take extra precaution­s over the summer to avoid feeling the exhausting effects of overwork. Enjoy regular breaks, days out and delegate duties.

Gemini May 22-June 21

Feel like you’re in a rut? You don’t have to make dramatic changes but be willing to crush anything or anyone that ties you down.

Try a fresh image, revamp your wardrobe or embark on a fitness programme. Experiment with different kinds of work and hobbies until you find something that appeals to you.

A senior will be hard to please in the summer and will try your patience.

Regarding work, remind yourself that your personal happiness is more important to your health and wellbeing.

Embarking on a fab creative project will prove fulfilling as Christmas stars shine.

Cancer June 22-July 23

Immerse yourself in the activities you enjoy. It is important to expand your repertoire and you’ll learn more when doing something you have a passion for. You might feel an especially strong connection with artistic people. Spring onwards is a fine time for taking a trip both at home or abroad.

If you’re physically fit, push yourself more than you usually would.

A joint matter is uppermost in your mind around your birthday due to crucial decisions you must make. If this issue is affecting your health or you are losing sleep over it, seek the advice of others.

Leo July 24-Aug 23

You should treat your like a precious jewel. Instead of taxing your system with the wrong foods or overloadin­g i alcohol or worse, 2019 the time to take more care of yourself All-year long there’s a period for doing what comes naturally creatively.

Doors will open for you and you will given a chance to shine in the summer

In the autumn, your life begins to blossom in beautiful ways. You will feel happier, enthusiast­ic and more energy

Give full vent to those things you love to do by putting your heart into a personal passion or object of desire.

Virgo Aug 24-Sept 23

Your physical and mental energy exceeds itself as winter turns to spring. Your powers of communicat­ion are also strong. Someone might have developed a crush on you, who could it be? They might be closer than you think.

As the sign of health you won’t be averse to spending more time on what you know is good for you as it will deepen your appreciati­on of life. Sometimes you become so fixated in the detail of life you are unable to enjoy everyday comforts.

Make more time for friendship­s, hobbies and sports as one year ends and a new one begins.

Libra Sept 24-Oct 23

It’s time you learned that your needs are just as important as everyone else’s. You can’t keep putting your own wishes aside for the sake of others. Don’t do what pleases others, please yourself for a change. Tourist traps aren’t for you this year as you will fare better in small groups and gatherings.

Visiting an exotic country or historic place will provide a summer uplift. If a religious or cultural organisati­on is looking for volunteers, sign up.

Teaching people skills will be a good use of your time and bring great satisfacti­on. Enjoy more leisure time with a purpose.

Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22

It’s a fact! You have the impetus to launch an image-changing selfimprov­ement programme from January 6. Acquiring job skills and breaking bad, unhealthy habits are among possibilit­ies, and long-term goals will give you purpose.

After a sociable start to the year, welcome the chance to enjoy quiet pursuits in the spring. Reading, writing and your favourite arts will relax you.

Think about heading to a distant destinatio­n in summer. Choose a place off the beaten path. Spiritual wellbeing is as important as the physical. You’ll then see an improvemen­t in your health.

Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20

You’re ready to break new ground this year.

Travel, meeting people and pursuing a course of study are all unique possibilit­ies that provide you with the fun, excitement and variety you need more than ever.

Opportunit­ies until Easter offer fresh scope for change. Take advantage of these when and while you can.

Unleash your creative powers in the summer and don’t bottle up your talents.

Develop your potential by inviting your inner artist out to play.

Rest, relaxation and regular exercise will have an impact on your health.


Jan 21-Feb 19

You’re too imaginativ­e to get stuck in a routine but your Aquarian urge for excitement and adventure comes to the fore as the year begins.

Find something completely different to get your teeth into.

The stars give you momentum to put thoughts into words and act on your ideas. Turn your world upside down from spring.

Combining business with pleasure in the summer suits you as it’s easier to be flexible when you have varied and unusual outlets for your energy.

Focus on your social life for total fulfilment in 2019.


Dec 22-Jan 20

Don’t be too quick to come to the rescue of folks who won’t appreciate it. You need time to yourself and will feel overwhelme­d if you’re constantly at another person’s beck and call. Take time to pursue arty objectives. Taking up a religious practice, studying varied belief systems or embarking on a spiritual journey are all possibilit­ies.

It might feel like you’re treading water mid-year but changing direction and making a fresh start will pay off in the end – you’re at a crossroads in your life.

Realising a cherished dream is exhilarati­ng as the year ends.


Nov 23-Dec 21

Hold your horses and slow down as 2019 begins, or you’ll be racing full pelt towards far too many goals, and as a result never get anywhere. Being realistic and taking a practical approach will help get your goals back in perspectiv­e. A new food regimen might do the trick if you’re not feeling yourself. If you’re thinking about exercising don’t go mad – walking and stepping is as good as running or competing. If you’re active in summer you’ll feel brighter in winter.

You like to make things happen, and displaying initiative prises open doors that have obstructed personal progress.

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