Daily Mirror

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DETECTIVE John Stalker FORMER police chief and TV presenter John Stalker died yesterday aged 79.

He was famous for investigat­ing the Moors Murders and his inquiry into an alleged shoot-tokill policy against the IRA by Northern Irish police.

He became Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police in 1984.

Stalker was removed from the inquiry and suspended in 1986, but reinstated after a huge drive to pay his legal costs.

After retiring in 1987 he worked as an author and TV host, including for his show Crimestalk­er.

As a detective constable on the Moors Murders, he said the “cold bloodednes­s” would be with him for ever.

His eldest daughter Colette Cartwright said: “We’ll always be proud of him and what he achieved.” NOW she is opening her own pub, Candice Brown went looking for the recipe to success at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

The 2016 Bake Off winner did two days’ work experience in the kitchen at Tom Kerridge’s highly rated The Coach in Marlow, Bucks.

Candice, 34, bought The Green Man pub in Eversholt, Beds, recently and plans to turn it into an East End-style boozer.

She said: “It will be a good old-fashioned pub, good grub, warming, hearty. A resurgence in the things we miss about our old pubs. I get to be Peggy Mitchell.” Candice’s pub The Green Man

In kitchen at The Coach

It will be a resurgence of things we miss about our old pubs

CANDICE ON WHAT TO EXPECT AT HER BOOZER Showing off her food creations

 ??  ?? DOUGH GOODER Star Candice ready to go in her apron CLASSIC IT’S ALL GRAVY BUN LOVING
DOUGH GOODER Star Candice ready to go in her apron CLASSIC IT’S ALL GRAVY BUN LOVING
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