Daily Mirror

Star ‘blamed for failure to help Louella’

- Louie.smith@mirror.co.uk @smith_louie

posed as a Swede. They were the 50th and 51st of the 76 Allied airmen to flee. But after trekking through snow, forests and icy streams in a bid to reach the Czech border 50 miles away, they were caught by pitchfork-wielding farmers.

While held in jail, Dick saw his friends being away taken to be shot. “One guessed what was going on,” he said. “If it had been Luftwaffe people, one would think they were being taken to another camp. But when you’ve got heavy men in leather coats with Gestapo-type cars... you’ve got a fair idea.” After the executions, the remaining escapers, including Dick and Nelson, were held captive. He said: “I think it was my name. Bob Nelson reckoned Nelson and Churchill had a good ring and they would hang on to us.”

Nelson died aged 84 in 1999. After the war, Dick married wife Patricia and they had two sons. They lived near Crediton, Devon, and Patricia died in DICK ON DISLIKING FILM BASED ON THEIR HEROICS German guards were watching over the prisoners from towers Breakout in film Allied officers in Stalag Luft III 2013. Like many veterans, Dick was no fan of the Hollywood film based on their exploits. He said: “The film was bright and cheery. It should have been shot in black and white; it was grey and cold.”

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ACCUSED Ceon Broughton THE boyfriend of Holby star John Michie’s daughter blamed his failure to get her medical help on her parents, a court heard.

Louella Fletcher-Michie, 24, died after taking class A drug 2CP at Bestival music festival in 2017.

Rapper Ceon Broughton told police Louella had taken “LSD or something”.

He said he did not take her to medics as Mr Michie told him by phone to “get to someone in high vis”.

Broughton, of North London, denies manslaught­er and drug supply. The case, at Winchester crown court, continues.

It should have been in black and white; it was grey and cold

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DARING MISSION Dick in the tunnel they dug in camp RISKY PLOT FREEDOM CAMP LIFE
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