Daily Mirror


- ALISON PHILLIPS ...and another thing!

WATCHING flames flare up from the roof of Notre Dame I felt a sense of sadness that 800 years of history was vanishing before us.

And an extraordin­ary sense of relief that this was one ‘national tragedy’ in which no human life was being lost.

As the news bulletins told us all day long yesterday, this was the sacred building where Joan of Arc was beatified and Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor. And yet when the smoke started to clear, it was revealed the main structure was intact. Its stained-glass windows were not destroyed as had been feared. Priceless antiques had been rescued.

And this cathedral WILL be returned to its former glory – as it was before when it was renovated during the 19th century after falling into rack and


during the French Revolution.

Notre Dame WILL once again witness events of great joy and pride.

The same cannot be said for the 72 people who died when fire swept through Grenfell Tower in London almost two years ago. Their plight was a real tragedy. For their families, it is a tragedy that will never end.

But within hours of the Notre Dame blaze, more than 500 million euros (around £430million) had been raised for its repair.

The French super-rich lined up to support the rebuilding of a structure with donations rolling in from the owners of Louis Vuitton and L’Oreal. The equally wealthy super-rich of British were less keen to support the rebuilding of lives after Grenfell.

A total of £28m was raised in charitable donations then – mostly from ordinary people who’d watched those horrific scenes at home on their TV screens. A further £80m came from central government.

Admittedly, these are big numbers. But they’re tiny in comparison to the speed and size of the Notre Dame donations.

The way we spend our money defines us. So what does it say about us as a human race when we’re faster to spend it on planks of wood than on people?

Not just on Grenfell, but elsewhere – like those thousands of people recently impacted by flooding around the world. Or even those who’ve had to withstand another winter living on the streets in Britain. Maybe it’s because those people will never look as attractive as a lead-vaulted ceiling. Maybe it’s because those people will never be paraded as a tourist attraction or as proof of a patron’s generosity.

An atheist may say money raised this week would be better served doing good rather than recreating a building which purports to do good. And surely any of us must say that how ever sad it is to see a building burn, this is not a tragedy.

We should save our tears and our generosity for those whose losses can never be mended with wood and plaster.


The way in which we spend our money defines us

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