Daily Mirror

Good riddance to hateful Kyle show


■ THE problem with shows like Jeremy Kyle’s is that they usually start off fine, get high ratings and then, as time goes on, they up the ante to maintain them.

Restraints probably become relaxed and also it’s forgotten that the guests are often vulnerable and possibly hiding their true feelings. The audiences for such shows are no doubt the same people who photograph injured people in the street instead of helping them.

Maybe it’s time for television to take a long hard look at itself and examine its motives. More and more programmes seem to exploit all sorts of bad things and vulnerable people. They’re no doubt cheap to make, but pandering to the audience’s basest instincts is ultimately in no one’s interest.

Keith Longmore Ashwelltho­rpe, Norfolk

■ So, The Jeremy Kyle Show has been pulled permanentl­y. That’s the correct decision by ITV. I don’t believe Mr Kyle really cared about his guests and he was often rude and aggressive to them on national television. He did not have the counsellin­g skills of say, Trisha Goddard, or the interperso­nal skills of Jerry Springer. I’m glad this exploitati­ve show won’t be back on our screens. Diane Silva Bournemout­h

■ On May 26, 1868, Michael Barrett was hanged at Newgate Prison, in what was the UK’s last public execution.

That should have been an end to things, but for the last few years we’ve had the modern-day equivalent – namely The Jeremy Kyle Show – with its baying mob of an audience enjoying the public humiliatio­n of another person. Thank God somebody recognised what was happening and pulled the plug.

Harry Wright, Letchworth Garden City, Herts

■ So, disaster has struck The Jeremy Kyle Show. I’ve never understood why anyone would want to put on such a programme anyway, not to mention anyone going on it to air their problems to all and sundry.

And who decided it was a good idea to pay a lot of money for Kyle to just shout at the people coming on? It should have been banned a long time ago.

E Norris, Bushey, Herts

■ While the death of Jeremy Kyle Show guest Steve Dymond is very tragic and sad, it is a shame the programme has been cancelled permanentl­y.

People forget about the positives, for example, and how it has helped many drug addicts get clean by offering them rehab, as well as alcoholics, gamblers and people wanting to lose weight.

It also helped people find longlost relatives. D Richens, South East London

■ The Jeremy Kyle Show is the lowest possible genre of broadcasti­ng. It didn’t help people with their problems, it simply exploited them for ratings. Jeremy Kyle is the sort of presenter who could turn his talents to any sort of show he wanted. It would be interestin­g to see how he tackles a travel or wildlife documentar­y. Cameron Camilla Boyle, Leicester

■ It is good news that ITV has axed The Jeremy Kyle Show which was a disgrace – the lowest of the low.

Colin German Lincoln

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