Daily Mirror


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March 21–April 20

A colleague’s careless behaviour or attitude will result in them making a big mistake. You have a right to be upset about the ramificati­ons. Say what is on your mind. It’s annoying that you are being expected to rectify this matter. Be sure not to work with this same person again.


April 21 – May 21

You have a strong desire to do something for others. This is a great time to get involved with a group or organisati­on that does meaningful work. Volunteeri­ng to help a local charity will make you feel you’re doing your bit for those less fortunate than yourself. Trust a romantic impulse.


May 22 –June 21

A person who holds a special corner of your heart could do with more of your time. Although your social life is crackling with activity, people at home need you too. Besides, you’re starting to miss their company. Meanwhile, financial prospects seem a little dim.


June 22 –July 23

Cancer is an intuitive sign and as well as current events turning out much the way you were expecting, you seem to sense what’s in store over the weeks ahead. Sharing your intuitive knowledge boosts your ego as you could help stop someone from making a big mistake.


July 24 – August 23

Some people panic at the least thing and when they do, chaos reigns. It might be up to you to keep everyone cool, calm and collected. Others will be glad of your support even though you might feel some people could do more for themselves. Pursue a moneymakin­g idea.


Aug 24 – Sept 23

Anything that crops up that takes you away from familiar people, places and routines will get your instant interest. Your restless spirit needs an outlet and feeling restricted in one place or with one activity will have no appeal at all. A day’s trip or romantic break will strengthen a close relationsh­ip.


Sept 24–Oct 23

Your boss is impressed with your accomplish­ments. You’ll be given more responsibi­lities as a result. This is no bad thing if you get paid for your effort. You could be stepping into a more lucrative phase and soon there will be some cash to spare for that holiday or new car you’ve promised yourself.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

You are growing bored with the same routine. You hate to let the grass grow under your feet and you are ready to expand your horizons. There’s a whole world out there, waiting for you to explore. Giving a loved one more space will greatly improve this relationsh­ip.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

It is time to put your mind to a problem that’s been bugging you. You need peace and quiet to look at this issue from all angles. Once you’ve done this you will see a few things that haven’t been taken into considerat­ion. You will soon be able to manifest a great career opportunit­y.


Dec 22 –Jan 20

A friend will apologise for their recent bad behaviour. They hurt you more than you are letting on but you want this relationsh­ip to continue so it’s important to let bygones be bygones. Give more attention to a project which you intuitivel­y know will bring you a lot of pleasure and satisfacti­on.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You’re tempted to take a small financial or romantic risk. Consider the consequenc­es. If someone might get hurt through your actions, this isn’t as small as you are leading yourself to believe and you’ll only have yourself to blame. If you need stimulatio­n, launch a research project.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Demands are coming your way from all four corners. You knew before the day began what would be in store. Friends, neighbours and workmates will be approachin­g you for advice and support. This has become the new norm and you’re ready to break out of this cycle.

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