Daily Mirror

No-deal could make some a great deal, says bank boss

DUP balk at customs concession that could lead to a Brexit deal

- BY PIPPA CRERAR Political Editor pippa.crerar@mirror.co.uk @PippaCrera­r

BORIS Johnson was struggling to convince hardline allies to back his Brexit plans after it emerged the UK had agreed in principle to a customs border in the Irish Sea.

Downing Street officials were trying to win over MPs from all sides to any potential deal the Prime Minister strikes as Brussels talks went down to the wire.

Brussels sources indicated a draft treaty could be published in London as early as this morning. But the DUP indicated they would not support any more concession­s to the EU.

Ruling out the customs border, chief Arlene Foster said: “We must remain within the UK’s customs union. It is a principle we have and that will forever be there. We have to be integrally within the UK.”

Mr Johnson reached out to SPECULATOR­S could make millions by betting against the pound if the UK crashes out the EU without a deal, Britain’s top banker has said.

The warning came as outgoing Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney said the public can have “total confidence” their savings and insurance will be safe even if Britain crashes of the Labour MPs in Leave seats, who set out demands for guarantees on workers’ and consumer rights, the Mirror was told.

Senior Tory Brexiteer Steve Baker said he believed a deal he could vote for was in sight. Commons leader Jacob ReesMogg said: “I think the votes are now there for a deal.”

Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier said he needed the legal text of the PM’s proposals by midnight if EU leaders are to approve it at a summit tomorrow. But diplomatic sources suggested more talks would be needed next week, with an emergency summit pencilled in for October 28.

The EU’s starting point ARLENE FOSTER REJECTS CUSTOMS BORDER IN THE IRISH SEA EU with no-deal. But quizzed by MPs on the Treasury committee, Mr Carney said: “There will be some financial institutio­ns, there may be some individual­s connected with

MAN OF NOTE Mark Carney

TALKS Johnson yesterday those financial institutio­ns, who have correctly predicted – or got lucky on – which direction sterling ends up going and they will potentiall­y make a lot of money. “But it won’t cascade into the core of the system and it won’t impact on the real economy.” When Labour MP Alison for a deal was thought to have been to reject Mr Johnson’s “two borders” plan for Northern Ireland and demand a Northern Irelandonl­y backstop instead. Under the deal being negotiated, Northern Ireland would not be part of the EU’s customs territory, but the bloc’s full customs code would have to be enforced in the Irish Sea. Mr Johnson hopes to put a deal before MPs on Saturday in the first weekend sitting of Parliament since the Falklands War. If not he must ask for another Brexit delay.

We must remain in the UK’s customs union. It’s a principle that will forever be there

McGovern asked if it was a “legitimate concern” that some wealthy people stand to profit out of a no-deal Brexit, The Canadian replied: “In a no-deal, some people will become wealthier, but they will be outnumbere­d by the number who will become poorer.” Mr Carney, who is leaving next January, told MPs the hunt for his successor would be handled smoothly.

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