Daily Mirror

Commons farce is an insult to Queen

- Edited by FIONA PARKER

■ Are the Tories trying to make a joke of the Queen by forcing her to spout their risible election propaganda, which is what the Queen’s Speech amounted to?

It is humiliatin­g for the Queen and dishonours the State Opening of Parliament, one of our greatest traditions. It’s time for the Tories to develop a backbone and show some decency towards an elderly lady who strives to do her duty. How could they let such a fiasco happen?

All integrity and respect has been lost by this ‘do or die’ cabinet.

These zealots have no shame, only greed for power and money. Barbara Clifford, Barnsley

■ Forget the pomp and circumstan­ce, Boris Johnson made a mockery of the Queen by making her read out a programme that has zero chance of being implemente­d and was nothing more than a Tory election manifesto.

The State Opening of Parliament was a farce from start to finish and brought shame on our age-old parliament­ary traditions. Then for him to say that he will make Britain “the greatest place on Earth” to live is beyond a joke. Tell that to the homeless living on our streets, nurses forced to use food banks, or workers on zero-hours contracts.

R Powell, Kingswood Bristol

■ By far the most important part of the Queen’s Speech was the attempt to introduce legislatio­n to ensure that voters have to have photograph­ic identifica­tion before being allowed to cast their vote at the ballot box.

This is clearly aimed at the very poorest members of the population who will be effectivel­y disenfranc­hised. This is an affront to democracy as there is no problem with voter fraud – and it must be stopped. Graham Lett, Birmingham

■ As a full-time unpaid carer who claims benefits, I now see how the Tories detest people in my position. There was nothing in the Queen’s Speech for people like me.

The benefit freeze means I don’t eat properly and I can no longer get justice as I can’t get legal aid.

Now my vote will not

■ On Monday, the Queen opened Parliament with the traditiona­l pomp and fanfare. But how safe will our monarchy be if Jeremy Corbyn, an avowed republican, becomes prime minister? Will he give assurances that he will not in any way tamper with the traditions or prerogativ­es of the sovereign?

Alan Meadowcrof­t, Oldham

Gtr Manchester

■ Boris Johnson lied to the nation, lied in the referendum and lied to the Queen. Now he has the effrontery to get her to announce his election manifesto of bribes. Let me ask the voters of Uxbridge and South Ruislip... do the country a favour and vote him out of office at the earliest opportunit­y.

K R Moreton Draycott Derbys

■ It seems Boris Johnson is trying to go one better than Donald Trump’s Make America Great slogan by promising to “Make Britain the greatest place on Earth”. Beat that, Donald!

Rob Parker Ipswich, Suffolk

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