Daily Mirror

He’s using Brexit to sell out our NHS and our workers

- BY PIPPA CRERAR Political Editor


JEREMY Corbyn today accuses Boris Johnson of “hijacking” Brexit as a cover for plans to sell out the NHS to US Big Pharma and roll back vital workers’ rights.

Labour believes the Prime Minister is plotting to use our Brussels split to deregulate the economy – knowing the public would never accept the damaging Thatcherit­e policies.

The party has put the threat the NHS faces in a trade deal with Donald Trump at the heart of its campaign ahead of the December 12 election.

The World Health Organisati­on says our £18billion annual drugs bill could rise to £45billion on US drug prices.

In a speech today in the marginal Essex seat of Harlow, Labour leader Mr Corbyn will warn: “What Boris wants is to hijack Brexit to unleash Thatcheris­m


Sir Lindsay Hoyle on steroids. Johnson and the Leave campaign promised to rebuild our NHS. Johnson promised £350million a week for the NHS.

“Now we find £500million a week could be taken out and handed to drugs companies under his plans for a sell-out trade deal with Donald Trump.

“Thatcher’s attack on working people left scars that never healed. The Conservati­ves know they can’t win support for what they’re planning to do in the name of Thatcheris­m. So they’re trying to do it under the banner of Brexit.” Mr Corbyn’s warning comes as an ICM poll suggests Labour is narrowing the gap on the Tories, on 31% and 38% respective­ly. The Libs are on 15% and the Brexit Party 9%. Mr Johnson was last night accused of more NHS lies over a vow to build 40 hospitals – just six of which will go ahead at first. Carrie MacEwen, of the Academy of


Medical Royal Colleges, said it was “disappoint­ing” only six sites had cash.

And Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth added: “How can Boris be trusted with our NHS when he can’t even fix the staffing crisis?”

The NHS has an estimated 100,000 NHS vacancies in England, including 43,000 nurses and 10,000 doctors.

Brexit has led to numbers of EU nurses and midwives registerin­g here falling 90% since 2016.

Meanwhile, Sir Lindsay Hoyle succeeds John Bercow as the 158th Speakerof the Commons. The 62-year-old Labour MP, a deputy speaker for nine years, won in the fourth round of voting.


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