Daily Mirror

Injured seal’s plane rescue

Tory claims he’d have shown ‘common sense’ & fled tower

- BY MATTHEW YOUNG m.young@mirror.co.uk @MatthewYou­ng7

AN injured seal was saved after it was flown 500 miles in a plane across the UK.

The pup, named Skittle, was found with multiple wounds to his flippers.

Nearby rescue centres were full after storms led to several pups being separated from their mothers.

Skittle, found last week on Portreath beach, near Redruth, Cornwall, was flown to the North East after staff at Tynemouth Aquarium offered room.

They said their latest arrival is “doing really well”.

JACOB Rees-Mogg has sparked fury by saying that victims of the Grenfell Tower inferno should have used “common sense” and fled.

The Tory was discussing the findings of the Grenfell inquiry report, published last week, with radio host Nick Ferrari yesterday morning on

Rees-Mogg has upset relatives with comments

Mr Rees-Mogg made reference to the fire brigade’s “stay-put” policy which the inquiry found could have cost lives by telling residents to remain inside the

burning building.

He said: “If you just ignore what you’re told and leave you are so much safer. If either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the building. It just seems the common sense thing to do.”

Ahmed Chellat, 62, who lost five members of his family in the 2017 tragedy, which killed 72 demanded an apology.

He insisted: “He has got to apologise. People died on the stairs trying to leave, they could not breathe.”

Yvette Williams, chairman of campaign group Justice4Gr­enfell, said: “This is an appalling statement. ReesLBC.

Mogg has a background.

“How many tower blocks has he lived in?

“It was his government who destroyed fire regulation­s, it was a local authority run by his party that ignored residents’ concerns resulting in the Grenfell atrocity.”


The 2017 blaze at Grenfell killed 72 people


He has to apologise. People died on the stairs while trying to leave

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