Daily Mirror

Payout man clear to wed

CCTV film shown at inquest

- BY martin.fricker@mirror.co.uk @martinfric­ker

A JUDGE has ruled a man with learning difficulti­es who got a big payout for a work injury is fit to marry.

The unnamed man, worth £1.5million, wants to wed a mum-of-two who moved in with him from a rented council home.

A lawyer managing his affairs queried his financial awareness of marriage.

But at the Court of Protection in London, a judge ruled he had the mental capacity to wed and understood a split’s “financial ramificati­ons”.

Evha Jannath

Splash Canyon ride at Drayton Manor park


THE family of a girl who drowned during a school trip to a popular theme park have been shown her harrowing final moments.

Evha Jannath, 11, died when she fell from a raft into water.

She had been allowed to go on the ride with four classmates without a teacher and was messing around with pals.

Her brother Muhammed Islam, 21, attended the inquest and was shown CCTV footage of Evha standing up in the six-seater vessel and being thrown into water moments from the end of the ride.

Evha survived the fall, wading through thigh-deep water towards a “travelator” carrying the raft to the exit.

But she then disappeare­d and was found by staff facedown in a 12ftdeep pool next to the ride.

A postmortem revealed that she suffered fractured ribs and a broken pelvis. Her cause of death was drowning.

Det Insp John Quilty, of Staffordsh­ire Police, said Evha did not sit on a seat at any point while riding and the children were “reaching out of the vessel” and seeing “who could get the wettest”.

The children from Jame’ah Girls Academy, Leicester, obeyed rules to stay seated while with a teacher on the Splash Canyon ride at Drayton Manor, Staffs, so were allowed to go again.

Evha was unable to swim, jurors at Stafford county hall were told.

The inquest continues.

GRIEF Muhammed Islam, Evha’s brother

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