Daily Mirror

Moped-spree mugger jailed

Dad ties off umbilical cord with shoelace to save wife & baby

- BY ADAM ASPINALL adam.aspinall@mirror.co.uk @MirrorAsp

A COSH-wielding moped mugger who targeted 13 women, some of them OAPs, has been jailed.

Jake Cramp, 24, left one victim with a fractured shoulder after he knocked her down during his spree in Acton, Chiswick and Hounslow in West London.

At Isleworth crown court Cramp, of Acton, was convicted of charges including robbery and got eight years nine months.

Police slammed him as “callous” for “brazenly targeting women”.

Dan shows off lace with Vicki, Kayden and brother Castiel


A DAD delivered big-time for his wife and newborn when he saved their lives after an unexpected home birth – by using a shoelace to tie off the umbilical cord.

Call handlers told Dan Sparrow, 38, to act fast after wife Vicki went into labour and tot Kayden “shot out” before paramedics could get there.

Vicki, 28, had a suspected placenta infection and was due a caesarean in 12 days amid fears their son would not survive a natural birth.

Dan could not cut the cord without sterile kit and was told to clamp it as tight as possible to prevent Vicki and Kayden suffering infection.

Dan, who owns a building firm in Pontypridd, South Wales, said: “When I realised it was all down to me I was terrified. The operator was telling me to grab anything I could.

“That’s when I caught sight of my work shoes. I grabbed one and pulled the lace out. I didn’t want to see him die in my arms.”

Kayden, four and a half months, is well and Vicki added: “I’m such a proud mum and wife. For Kayden to defy the odds and Dan to save the day was one of the happiest days of my life.”

When I realised it was down to me I was terrified. I didn’t want to see him die in my arms

 ??  ?? THE DADDY

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