Daily Mirror

Apologies, empty chairs, gaffes & resignatio­n harm Tory launch


THE first day of Boris Johnson’s election campaign was overshadow­ed by Tory scandals including the resignatio­n of a shamed Cabinet minister.

The Conservati­ve Party leader kicked off his campaign yesterday with an address to the nation from the steps of No10 Downing Street, urging voters to “come with us” to get Brexit done.

But by the time he had reached a big Tory rally in the West Midlands last night, his campaign was already in meltdown. Cabinet minister Alun Cairns was forced to resign over claims he lied about his knowledge of a former aide accused of collapsing a rape trial.

Party chairman James Cleverly had to apologise for a string of gaffes by senior colleagues and was berated on TV when he defended his staff who doctored a video of Sir Keir Starmer.

Furious TV presenter Kay Burley then gave Mr Cleverly the “empty chair” treatment after claiming he had missed an appearance on her breakfast show.

Mr Johnson visited Buckingham Palace to formally tell the Queen about the December 12 general election.

But he was in hot water again after talking about his private audiences with the Queen, saying “she always asks the best questions”. His day got even worse after Nottingham University Hospital became the first to declare a “critical incident” this winter as its A&E department struggled to cope.

The NHS will play a key role in the election campaign, despite the PM’s attempts to make it all about Brexit.

Also fallout continued over Jacob Rees-Mogg’s “common sense” remarks about Grenfell victims.

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