Daily Mirror



t was apt that The Apprentice was up against An Idiot Abroad on Sky One last night. Because Alan Sugar sent several of them abroad for his latest task: Rebranding Finland as a summer holiday destinatio­n.

Naturally, it all went a bit Helstinky and one of them ended up with an unhappy finish.

Unforgivab­ly though, pun fan Sugar failed to rework his “You’re Fired” catchphras­e as he dismissed Jemelin from this process.

Come on. Surely it should have been “You’re Finnished.”Jemelin’s dismay was only matched in feeling by Tommy Skinner’s glee at dodging yet another bullet.

Despite the fact it was ideas man Tommy’s fault that Jemelin was saddled with making an ad solely aimed at the narrow LGBT market, Project Manager Marianne failed to even put him in the firing line. Sugar was to blame for that. He’s let his East End Mini-Me off so many times that the other contestant­s know there’s no point trying to shaft him.

You can understand Sugar’s favouritis­m. This show would not be half as entertaini­ng without the likes of Tommy, fake posh totty Lottie and the other boardroom finger-dodger Ryan-Mark.

Those three have “keep them in until at least the interviews stage” written all over them.

PS. Sneaky insult of the night? The voiceover guy describing London Stadium: “Site of Olympic glory in 2012. Home today to West Ham United Football Club.”

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