Daily Mirror

Judge bans Mel B from having her girl, 8, for Xmas

Ex claims youngster was left traumatise­d by last UK visit

- BY MARK JEFFERIES Showbiz Editor & JAMES DESBOROUGH mark.jefferies@mirror.co.uk @mirrorjeff­ers

MEL B has been banned from taking her daughter to the UK for Christmas after her ex claimed the child was terrified of her.

The Spice Girl is said to be furious that a judge in Los Angeles ordered eight-year-old Madison must stay with her dad, Stephen Belafonte.

Belafonte claimed the girl told him after a previous visit to England with Mel that she did not want to return.

LA’s Superior Court heard Madison was left “traumatise­d and begged and pleaded not to see her mother”.

Mum-of-three Mel, 44, denies the claims. A business associate said: “She is livid, apoplectic and on the war path. Mel is sick and tired of her ex wrecking her life.

“She wanted to be with her babies at Christmas, but now has a broken family.


“She disputes many of the claims made and will fight back. This will be a rough Christmas for her. Mel just wants never to have to deal with Stephen ever again.”

Mel had been hoping to take Madison to see her family in Leeds and flew to LA yesterday to collect her youngest daughter.

But Belafonte, 44, blocked the move.

He said in court, referring to Madison’s visit with Mel last November: “I asked Madison if she had fun.

“To my utter shock and surprise, Madison burst into tears and began sobbing uncontroll­ably.

“She told me that she was scared of her mother, that she did not want to go back.”

Belafonte claimed Mel sat Madison in a dark room to quiz her “day after day” about his treatment of the youngster and any girls he was dating.

Actor Belafonte’s lawyer Michael Hanasab told the court: “To have Madison travel to the UK is not in the child’s best interests.”

Judge Mark Juhas said: “I’m not going to put this kid in harm’s way.”

Mel’s lawyer Taline Boyamian said: “She will be disappoint­ed.”

Belafonte said of his ex after the hearing: “Maybe she’ll change her plans and stay in LA for Christmas. But I don’t know what she’ll do.”

She is livid, apoplectic. This will be a rough Christmas for her


Belafonte and Madison in LA on Thursday
Singer and her daughter
Mel B is furious at decision
CHALLENGE Belafonte and Madison in LA on Thursday KEPT APART Singer and her daughter WAR PATH Mel B is furious at decision
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