Daily Mirror

Nation tries to win over critics of ‘22 World Cup

Club final in Qatar to thrill football fans


QATAR is hoping for a winning result with footie fans in its first big test before hosting the 2022 World Cup.

But as thousands gather in the Gulf for tonight’s Club World Cup final, organisers were told they still have a lot to learn.

Mike Kissane, 40, who flew in from Brisbane to see Liverpool tackle Brazilian side Flamengo, said: “They have got all the ingredient­s, they just need to learn how to bake the cake.”

This tournament is a practice run for 2022 and, despite fears of a culture clash with the strict Muslim country, supporters flocked to the capital Doha.

More than 7,000 tickets were sold in Brazil and 6,000 here – and those 13,000 devotees are now paying £12 for a pint and the same for burger and chips.

But reduced prices in the fan zone, where a pint costs around a fiver, have helped Qatar get a cautious thumbs up.

There were allegation­s of corruption over FIFA’s decision to hand the country the World Cup, plus condemnati­on of its human rights record and treatment of migrant workers.

There have been improvemen­ts in working conditions and the “kafala” system tying migrants to employers will be

Fans see Liverpool play in semi-final

New Khalifa Stadium axed in January. But last month, a report highlighte­d the ongoing issue of non-payment of wages.

So it is no surprise Qatar wants to replace the damning news headlines with glowing ones. Football Supporters’ Associatio­n chief Kevin Miles said: “They are trying very hard. The fact they are road-testing stuff and inviting constructi­ve criticism is a positive sign.”

The city has a gleaming new Metro system and free buses to ferry supporters to games. But outside the turnstiles at Wednesday’s semi-final, fans faced huge queues, airport-style scanners, bag searches and an hour-long wait before entering.

Steve Rimmer, 54, from the Wirral, said: “It was very slow.” Mary Butler, 35, from Cork, and Debbie McLaughlin, 37, from Belfast, have lived in Doha for 10 years and took advantage of the cheap beer.

Mary said: “There is nowhere in Doha where you can have a drink at this price.” There are no

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