Daily Mirror

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A decade or so ago KM had a gastrectom­y for stomach cancer and now has to keep to a strict diet, avoiding certain food types she can’t digest.

Top of the list is the persimmon or sharon fruit – not exactly a Granny Smith so an easy fruit to avoid. You might think. Growing up in Malta, KM’s family Christmas always involved eating sharon fruits and this isn’t a tradition she is prepared to let slide, despite her surgeon’s threats.

She knew it wasn’t an idle threat either; these little f***ers have caused five episodes of intestinal obstructio­n, ruining five Christmase­s. “It just wouldn’t be Christmas without it,” she tells me. I’m not sure whether she’s talking about the fruit or her hospital admission for intestinal obstructio­n.

Medical emergencie­s don’t get any less frequent just because Slade is belting out of every shop’s PA system. Prof Devereux’s terminatio­n of pregnancy list is too time-sensitive for a wee theatre with Prof today is Patient SH whose unb is the stuff of ethics text has a cardiac conditio unlikely to live if she c pregnancy.

At 15 weeks her h already significan­tly det had to make the heartb end the pregnancy to sa

Prof Devereux, chatti tist about who got treat Christmas Rota Fairy, tu “Do you want to do it?”

I really, really don’t. going to be grim beyond trauma for me to push that’s already full to bur

But if SH is brave eno this then I should at lea step up for her. I wish I c reacting but the truth step of it was absolutely

I’m jolted back into th

Mum’s second baby was also born on Christmas Day. She said ‘For f **** ’s sake, everyone will think I do it to save on presents’

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