Daily Mirror

Mum sobs as medics try to save boy of 2

Iran says it will reveal ‘real cause’

- BY LUCY THORNTON BY BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor ben.glaze@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­r

TRAGIC Little Keigan

A MUM sobbed on the pavement as medics fought to save her fatally injured son days after he turned two, witnesses say.

An air ambulance was sent to an address in Doncaster, South Yorks, on Wednesday after little Keigan Ronnie O’Brien was said to be in cardiac arrest.

He died in hospital the next day, when a postmortem found he had died from head injuries.

A man of 36 and woman of 32 have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Neighbour David Brown, 54, told how mum Sarah O’Brien “was sitting on the kerb outside crying her eyes out, totally distraught” as medics tended to him.

She moved to Doncaster last year and set up home with new partner Martin Currie in November.

Search and rescue team at crash site


Canadian PM Justin Trudeau honours victims

THE White House has threatened “appropriat­e action” if it is proved Iran shot down the passenger plane over Tehran, killing 176 people.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a thinly veiled warning after the Boeing 737-800 jet was brought down.

Western intelligen­ce officials believe the aircraft was mistakenly targeted after being misidentif­ied just hours after Iran fired 16 rockets at coalition bases in Iraq.

But the head of Iran’s civil aviation organisati­on Ali Abedzadeh challenged the claim. He said: “What we can say with certainty, is that no missile hit the plane.”

Iranian authoritie­s will announce today the reason for the crash, according to the semi-official FARS News Agency.

The death toll included 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and four Britons.

The four were: Mohammed Zadeh, 40, who owned a dry cleaner’s; BP engineer Sam Zokaei, 42; PhD student and engineer Saeed Tahmasebi, 35; and Arad Zarei, 17.

Arad recently moved to Canada having attended St Mary’s Primary School, in Twickenham, South West London. His dad Mehrzad said:

“He was the apple of my eye and his energetic demeanour and caring personalit­y left a lasting impression on his classmates and many friends.”

When Ukraine Internatio­nal Airlines Flight PS752 came down, Iranian air defences were on high alert for retaliator­y strikes. Ukraine Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said Iran was cooperatin­g with the crash investigat­ion.

Speaking at the White House, Mr Pompeo warned: “We do believe it is likely the plane was brought down by an Iranian missile. We will learn more about what happened to that aircraft and when we get the results of that investigat­ion, I am confident that we, and the world, will take appropriat­e actions in response.”

Washington and Tehran appeared to have stepped back from the brink of war after the barrage of rockets fired at coalition forces based in Iraq this week.

The attack came in retaliatio­n for the assassinat­ion of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a US drone strike in Baghdad last week. It emerged yesterday another target, Abdul Reza Shahlai, a key commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force in Yemen, survived a US hit the same day.

The Stop the War Coalition will today march through London opposing military action against Iran.

Labour and other critics have claimed the raid was illegal. But Mr Pompeo said there was intelligen­ce pointing towards an “imminent attack” and “active plotting” against American lives.

President Donald Trump said Iran probably planned to attack four US embassies. He added: “We will tell you probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.” w

We do believe it is likely the plane was brought down by an Iranian missile

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