Daily Mirror


- BY OLIVER MILNE Political Reporter and MATTHEW YOUNG

THE Queen wants a sous chef who will cook in all her homes and is trained in classical French cuisine, for up to £33,000 a year.

THE first confirmed case of the deadly coronaviru­s in Britain is expected within days.

Government sources said matter of “if, not when”.

As of last night 52 Brits had been tested, while at least three cases had been detected in France as the strain becomes more contagious and spreads more rapidly across the world.

Over 2,000 people have been infected globally, with the death toll rising to 56, all in China where the outbreak began.

NHS staff are on high alert on how to deal with the bodies of victims without being infected.

And teams of doctors are at Heathrow Airport to meet flights from China.

Health officials are trying to track down an estimated 2,000 people who have recently returned to Britain from the region around the Chinese city of Wuhan where the strain broke it was a out. Home Secretary Priti Patel said the Government is “looking at all options” to help an estimated 200 Brits in Wuhan to get out of China.

Her comments follow reports that Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has ordered officials to examine the logistics of airlifts from the area.

Public Health England has developed a genetic test capable of diagnosing the virus “on the same working day”.

It is thought to be the first test of its kind outside China.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has put the Public Health Rapid Support Team on standby, ready to deploy anywhere in the world to help countries trying to contain the spread of the virus.

A Government source said: “It is in the UK’s... interest as well as being the right thing to do, to stop this spreading.”

The team has previously deployed to combat Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria. Insiders at the Department of Health warned the coro

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