Daily Mirror

‘Under strain’ royal pair can return to fold

Charles & Wills ‘reach out’ to couple

- BY MATTHEW YOUNG m.young@mirror.co.uk @MatthewYou­ng7

PRINCE Harry and Meghan will be able to come back to the UK without resuming royal duties if media intrusion in Canada proves too much for them, it was claimed yesterday.

Sources close to the royal household said Princes Charles and William have been “reaching out” to the couple in case they are forced to flee North America.

Courtiers apparently fear the pressure of media scrutiny on Vancouver Island, where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are staying, could take a heavy toll on the couple.

A source reportedly said: “The palace are very worried about the Sussexes, because they are vulnerable outside the embrace of the family.

“They are making contingenc­y plans in case the Sussexes suddenly turn round and say, ‘Can we come back under your wing?’”

“You see the way it has disintegra­ted over there in the last few days. They are being told that there is love and affection on standby.”

A historic “divorce” deal was thrashed out by Buckingham Palace last weekend to allow Meghan and Harry to move to North America and stop using their HRH titles.

They also surrendere­d state funding in exchange for the freedom to seek commercial deals to promote their charitable causes.

But royal sources fear the breakaway is putting the pair under severe strain.

Under the deal, the Sussexes will keep Frogmore Cottage in Windsor as their British base.

But they will repay the £2.4million of taxpayers’ money used to renovate the property and pay for its upkeep in future.

The source told The Sunday Times: “You could bring them back to Frogmore to look after them.

“They wouldn’t return to royal duties, but they could have a period of rehabilita­tion and recuperati­on.”

Royal officials believe it would be easier to protect them there from media scrutiny.

It also emerged yesterday that Meghan’s mum Doria Ragland has been giving Harry advice.

A former friend of the 63-year-old was reported as saying: “Harry in particular turns to her for advice. She is like the Queen, she never complains and never explains.

“Meghan has always trusted her completely but she has become a rock to Harry who, of course, lost his own mother so young.

“She isn’t someone who seeks attention, and for Harry her discretion and silence mean the world.

“Doria has always been someone who values her privacy. She has a core of steel.”

The couple are being told there is love and affection on standby


The Queen attending church yesterday
CORE OF STEEL Meghan’s mum Doria, 63, is a rock to Harry
HISTORIC DEAL The Queen attending church yesterday CORE OF STEEL Meghan’s mum Doria, 63, is a rock to Harry SAFE HAVEN Frogmore
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