Daily Mirror

Dear Coleen



I can’t find the right words or the right time to tell my partner that I don’t want to have children. We’re both in our mid-30s, so I know I have to be honest with her now because these are the last years in terms of her fertility.

I thought I could go through with it, but I’ve never really wanted to do it. I had a horrible childhood – a broken home, an alcoholic dad and my mum really struggled. I had to grow up fast and I suppose I don’t want the responsibi­lity of having children after it went so badly wrong for my own parents.

She knows about all of that, but I don’t think she’ll understand. I love her, but I don’t want to be a dad.

Coleen says

Your letter made me so sad because your reasons for not wanting to become a parent stem from what you’ve been through. Of course I understand your fears – what if things turns out the same and history repeats itself? What if I can’t cope and walk away?

But, actually, the reverse could be true – you could be a wonderful parent because of everything that happened to you.

What I’d recommend is having therapy because your childhood is still having a huge impact on your life. It’ll help you to work through the hurt and the anger and to put things into perspectiv­e.

In the meantime, yes, you have to be honest with your partner and tell her that because of what you’ve been through, you don’t feel ready to be a parent and you’re not sure you ever will. If she ends things, you should still have counsellin­g.

I have a couple of friends who had horrific childhoods and they’ve gone on to be the absolute best parents. Having their own family has brought so much love into their lives and I think helped to repair some of the damage from the past.

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