Daily Mirror

Yes ministers chant in sync

Pantomine moments in No10 as Cabinet gathers

- BY BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor ben.glaze@mirror.co.uk @benglaze

BORIS Johnson turned the first Cabinet meeting since his power-grab reshuffle into a kids’ panto – by forcing ministers to chant election slogans.

The Prime Minister first asked the relieved ‘Yes’ men and women who survived his brutal sackings: “How many hospitals are we going to build?” They replied: “Forty.”

He grinned: “Well done” then added: “How many more police?” The loyal response: “Twenty thousand.”

PM: “That’s right. How many more nurses?” Chorus: “Fifty thousand.”

The bizarre exchanges came 24 hours after Sajid Javid quit as Chancellor – after refusing demands to sack all his advisers.

It plunged the PM’s long-planned reshuffle into turmoil.Critics claimed the PM’s chief aide Dominic Cummings was pulling the strings behind the reshuffle but Communitie­s Secretary Robert

Jenrick insisted Mr Johnson was “very much in charge” and denied new Chancellor Rishi Sunak would be a No10 “puppet”.

Outside No10, ex-ministers mulled over their demise. Ousted Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smith said: “My future plans involve things like going to the pub”. But he added: “I wish the new Cabinet and new Secretary of State all the best of luck.” Mr Javid, asked if he had a message for Mr Johnson, replied: “Happy Valentine’s Day”. His former aide Salma Shah said being unable to choose his advisers would have been “incredibly detrimenta­l to his decision-making power”. Ministers later agreed a plan for points-based immigratio­n. “The system will be fairer,” No10 said and insisted net migration would fall.

 ??  ?? NEW MAN Johnson and Sunak
NEW MAN Johnson and Sunak
 ??  ?? CHEERY LINE-UP Johnson and reshuffled Cabinet
CHEERY LINE-UP Johnson and reshuffled Cabinet

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