Daily Mirror

Judge backs ex-cop in free speech row

- BY RHIAN LUBIN rhian.lubin@mirror.co.uk @rhianlubin BY SAM TOBIN

THE body that represents US drug companies wants the UK on an internatio­nal trade “Watch List”.

The Pharmaceut­ical Research and Manufactur­ers of America is “frustrated the NHS is not paying enough for US drugs”, campaigner­s warn.

It called for US President Donald Trump “to address discrimina­tory market access practices abroad that free ride on American innovation and put US jobs and exports at risk”.

The call came in its annual submission to the United States Trade Representa­tive 2020 Special 301 Report last week.

It said: “PhRMA requests that United Kingdom be placed on the Watch List and that the US government continue to seek assurances that the problems described herein are quickly and effectivel­y resolved.”

A “continued lack of patient access to innovative medicines” was “of particular concern”.

Nick Dearden, director of campaign group Global Justice Now, says being on the Watch List means the US government

PROMISES Johnson with Trump

can start applying pressure to force a country to change what it has been doing on drug prices.

He said: “PhRMA is frustrated the NHS is not paying enough for US drugs. This opens up the possibilit­y of political pressure from the US government to change the system here.”

The drugs industry, known as Big Pharma, is worth £1.3trillion annually to the US economy.

In 2018 the pharmaceut­ical lobby succeeded in placing India on a Priority Watch List after it recommende­d it to the US Trade Representa­tive.

In response, India’s Centre for Advance Trade Research said this was “the latest in a series of pressure tactics from US to gain more favourable trade terms from India”.

Trade expert Dr Ellen ‘t Hoen, director at research group Medicines Law & Policy and a researcher at the University Medical Center Groningen, in the Netherland­s, says in a sense, the US Trade Representa­tive uses the Watch List to “bully” countries. She explains: “The special 301 Watch List is the USTR’s version of bullying of countries. This has no relation to whether these countries are in breach of their internatio­nal obligation­s under World Trade Organisati­on law.

“Countries do not like to be on the list because it signals that trade sanctions may be taken, so domestic industries depending on export may start to put pressure on the government­s listed to change policies.

“For example, policies that would help make new medicines available.”

In the run-up to last year’s general election Prime Minister Boris Johnson was repeatedly forced to say the NHS was “not for sale” in forthcomin­g postBrexit trade talks with America.

But Dr Andrew Hill, a drug pricing expert and adviser to the World Health Organisati­on, says the UK has not yet officially taken talks over drug prices off the table yet in a US deal.

He said: “There has been no written confirmati­on from the UK government that drug prices are excluded in the US-UK trade deal.

“The US Pharmaceut­ical industry provides millions of dollars in funding to US Senators each year. This should give them strong lobbying power in UK-US trade negotiatio­ns.”

The US has 36 countries on a Watch List and Algeria, Argentina, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine and Venezuela are all on a Priority Watch List.

The news comes as campaign group Keep Our NHS Public launches a National Day of Action today. NHS staff and campaigner­s will join forces at 23 locations over the weekend.

The Department for Internatio­nal Trade was contacted for comment.

COURT WIN Harry Miller

A FORMER policeman visited at work by officers over allegedly “transphobi­c” tweets has hailed a “watershed moment for liberty” after the High Court backed him.

A judge ruled that Humberside Police had unlawfully interfered with Harry Miller’s right to freedom of expression.

Mr Miller, 54, from Lincolnshi­re, claims an officer said his tweeting was being recorded as a non-crime “hate incident”.

The police action had a “chilling effect” on his rights, he claimed.

Mr Justice Julian Knowles said: “I find the combinatio­n of the police visiting the claimant’s place of work, and statements in relation to the possibilit­y of prosecutio­n, were disproport­ionate.”

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