Daily Mirror

Trump staff’s revolving door keeps on spinning


THE revolving door at the White House appears to be in motion again as it looks like another member of Donald Trump’s staff will be going soon.

Attorney General Bill Barr admonished the President this week saying: “I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”

Barr, who as Trump’s lapdog seems to have turned the US Justice Department into his boss’s own personal law firm, spoke out after Donnie tried to stop another of his convict pals from being sent to prison.

If you get into bed with the Devil, you share the sheets – and the tweets – Mr Barr.

A BRIT who swam across the Detroit River from Canada to try to deliver books has been released after two months. Christophe­r Sagajllo, 56, said: “Four of the recipients were in the US and I believed they needed to be delivered before Christmas. I felt if I did not do what was required of me, something terrible would happen to me in the future.” Days before his swim, he was turned away by US border officials because he had been deported to the UK in 2010 after overstayin­g a visit... by seven years.

THE US Department of Justice has awarded more than $1million to the Hookers for Jesus group, a Nevada non-profit organisati­on.

TENNESSEE thief Robert Goddard is regretting being so well organised.

The 49-year-old dropped his journal while on the job. Unfortunat­ely for Goddard, it revealed a list of houses he burgled and those he was planning to do.

Prosecutor­s said, as well addressees, his notebook contained clues to this identity through messages from his daughter and her address.

THE Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles has removed the parallel parking portion of a driving test.

DONS at Colorado State University have received approval to offer a cannabis-related degree program. “It’s a rigorous degree geared toward the increasing demand coming about because of the cannabis industry,” Dean David Lehmpuhl said. “We’re not pro-cannabis or anti-cannabis. What we’re about will be the science and training students to look at that.” Talk about higher education.

WORKERS digging a swimming pool got out of their depth after unearthing what they thought was a dangerous discovery in Charleston, South Carolina.

They feared they’d hit upon a Civil War cannonball – but, it turned out to be a wooden buoy.

P.S. IT’S fair to say my barman Richard’s New Year’s resolution didn’t last long. He told us this week: “I had a goal to lose two stone by the end of the year. Just three stone to go now.”

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