Daily Mirror

Hunting ban still ‘ignored’


ANIMAL hunts are still rife, 15 years after the bloodsport was banned, it is claimed.

Hunting with hounds became illegal on February 18, 2005 but foxes, hares and deer are still mauled to death by dogs.

The League Against Cruel Sports has received more than 300 reports of hunts since late October and it published a map of 299 UK hunt locations.

It said hunting enthusiast­s have “essentiall­y ignored the ban”.

LITTLE PRINCE AND BIG BOUNCER In 1985, enigmatic Prince showed exactly how to make an entrance by weaving through the crowd to accept awards behind a man mountain of a bodyguard.

Just in case you missed it, the 5ft 3in Purple Rain star did it twice in the same night.

THAT FALL Ma donna’s appearance in 2015 was hyped to the max but will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

When dancers tugged at her scarlet Armani cape, the fastener didn’t open. Madge didn’t just fall from the stage she was violently yanked all the way down a flight of stairs.



The Gallagher brothers have a gift for insults. But when INXS frontman Michael Hutchence presented Oasis with the best video award in 1996, Noel said: “Has-beens shouldn’t present awards to gonna-bes.”

Michael was said to have been devastated by the remark and later changed lyrics of Elegantly Wasted to: “We’re better than Oasis”.


The Pulp frontman felt “a bit ill” seeing Michael Jackson act Christ-like while surrounded by kids during Earth Song.

So Jarvis bent over and waggled his hands at his bottom. He was taken to cells but was a hero to many in 1996.


When Robbie Williams heard he’d duet with Tom at the 1998 Brits, he knew he couldn’t outsing the Welsh star.

Instead, he decided to outdance him. We might not remember their hits from The Full Monty. But few could forget Robbie’s thrusts and swivels.

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