Daily Mirror

Star’s tragedy is a lesson for us all

- Edited by FIONA PARKER

■ Caroline Flack was so talented, bubbly and full of life as a TV presenter– so it’s heartbreak­ing to see her go from this to someone who so desperatel­y needed help and support.

No matter what has gone on in her personal life she didn’t deserve to be judged or treated the way she was just because she was in the public eye.

This tragedy just shows you don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life behind closed doors – so #BeKindAlwa­ys and please talk to someone if you ever need help.

Marie Gosney, Billingham, Teesside

■ I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Love Island presenter Caroline Flack had died. Such an absolute tragedy. Only 40 years old and in the prime of her life.

Caroline was a beautiful, talented, kind lady and has gone far too soon. She must have felt so alone and desperate at the end.

Ant McPartlin was fully supported by ITV over his issues yet it seems as though Caroline was abandoned by them when she needed their support the most. My heart goes out to her family. Rest in peace Caroline.

Lorna Twaddle, Arbroath,


■ The news of Caroline Flack’s death has prompted me to start talking about my own mental health problems and think about possibly seeking help. Caroline will be greatly missed. I hope she has now found her peace. And if her

■ In spite of all her recent dramas and an upcoming court case, Caroline was still held in great affection by the British public, including her boyfriend Lewis, the alleged victim of an assault.

Clearly Caroline was very troubled and may have had other issues, but it’s such a shame she couldn’t weather this storm.

She will be greatly missed and always remembered for her attractive and vivacious presence on any show of which she was a part. Diane Silva, Bournemout­h

■ This tragedy highlights the fact that we need more understand­ing when it comes to mental health.

Schools and parents alike need to be more aware of teaching our young people to be resilient, to build their self-esteem and selfworth so they can cope with whatever they have to face in life.

They need to believe in themselves to recognise that trolls and negative comments are from illinforme­d, jealous people who have never learned to respect human beings or have compassion.

Every single day I speak to young people who have no concept of their own self-worth.

I ask them what are their best qualities and I am amazed they are unable to answer or even understand the question.

They have no insight to their inner self or values.

As teachers and parents we need to wake up to the fact that our children need to be helped to see inside themselves – and realise that they are worthy and can have a voice.

Ann Lilly, Harlow

■ How very sad to hear of Love Island presenter Caroline Flack’s death at only 40. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to all those who knew her. She was still so young May she rest in peace now.

Mandy Dhanda, Coventry

■ This tragedy just goes to show that you never truly know what’s going on in someone’s head and private life.

I feel so sad for Caroline and her family – what a terrible waste of a wonderful life.

Caroline, I thought you rocked and Love Island will never be the same without you.

Michelle Fallowes Slater, London

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